Using that as an excuse to not explain this
Thank you for the prize. I’d like to thank the forum, and my mother. (Although I should really thank my father, as he was the one who took me to Who North America, where I obtained my copy of Night of the Kraken). I did not think that if I won a prize, it was going to be for this (but I’m not mad, I guess it just shows that I am so multitalented that I can’t keep track)
In the interest of full disclosure, I had tried to get through the book before. I may have been trying to get the Doctor to meet someone…
Sidenote: Do you think the Twelfth Doctor and Miss Piggy would get along?
Every single time I’m in the majority…
Well, this award is technically named after a meme that started from my life-changing decision to alone vote for the read-along to be a bad idea. So while I didn’t win an award in the category, I take the honour of having one category named after me as a win!
Sincerely, thank you. Totally unexpected and rather lovely!
I’m… speechless.
Doesn’t happen often. Wowser!
I think you might be confused. You’re not @Speechless, you’re @realdoctor. I have to admit that the resemblance is uncanny!
To be fair, I don’t think anyone knew this was award-winning-worthy decision. I didn’t even know until yesterday when @Tian suggested it as an award
And to anyone who is already thinking of ‘gaming the system’ to try and win one of these awards next year… the awards will be different next year! No need to be a maverick! That is a bad idea!
That still unsettles me…
Are you sure about that?
I’m exploring the vaults, as the base is on lockdown while they deal with an Anomaly. Never a dull moment in here! There is a strange, red box, with playing card symbols on it, surrounded by a circle of salt… Oooh, shouldn’t have touched it, it’s opening!!
Please be the Toymaker, please be the Toym-
I mean, oh no shauny, get out of there quickly!
“Ahhh… how delightful! How most deliciously devious! You little playthings have entertained me greatly with your games, your riddles, your oh-so-clever little diversions! And now, it is my turn to bestow a prize. But beware… for in my games, a prize is never just a prize…”
“For the most intriguing, the most captivating, the most cunning of all the forum games, I present these most coveted awards!
A token of my approval… and perhaps, a new challenge yet to come!
So step forward, winners - let us see if you are truly the master of the game… or merely another piece upon my board!”
For inventing stealing the idea of the Elimination game, another award to @deltaandthebannermen! (Don’t you think he looks smug?)
@SweetAIBelle has been entertaining us with ‘Guess the Serial’ for a long time now, this award is well earned!
@TARDIS32 has been creating Tough Quiz Questions which has even got The One Who Waits stumped…
@lwebb’s Advent Calendar was a delight last Christmas - a time of year full of games, very enjoyable!
@UnitTimeOperator - something is going on here, I’m going to ask around UNIT for more details to try and figure that out… after I have another dance with Kate and Mel!
Some of the wittiest and silliest games, from Slow Crow Rhyming games to ‘Add a letter, wreck a title’ (I like wrecking things!) were lead by @Mindfog
@JayPea has treated us to some really difficult Connections in the past
@uss-genderprise’s cat Ianto deserves a reward for sitting and watching episodes of Doctor Who and being very photogenic… what do you mean we can’t give awards to cats? OK, I’ll give it to the human instead.
@10010010010010010112 actually invented the Whodle Game, which gives all members a great deal of fun
And the original Whodle player, the one who started off the forum trend (before a Cyber-head took over), @hasrock36 deserves an award!
Congratulations everyone!
I’ve missed a few weeks, so I really need to get back to making those. (Mostly making them at the last minute progressed to not getting around to it…)
I need to banish him Again… Now is the time for everyone to pitch in and help… To do so, please add an angry emoji next time he speaks… Ok, go!
Ha! Do you think I could be banished so easily!?