That will go to you, when you have requested that username change we discussed in the Staff Chat (he regrets his decision and wants to change his name to HeavenSent, we all support you!!)
I bloody well walked into that one, didn’t I…
Awesome! Thanks. Um… I don’t have a speech. Though, looking at what evil other people’s speeches have unleashed upon the universe, I’m probably safer for it.
Good morning!
The coffee here is excellent. I think they have copied how Ianto used to make it at Torchwood.
Meanwhile Susan Triad is here offering people cups of tea but for some reason no-one will take one…
This award is for Best mug of the day, a panel of experts (myself and @Tian) have gone through and decided the person with the best mugs is:
Well done, feel free to come and say a few words
First of all, thank you all for enjoying my beautiful mugs. I’ve made sure to find the most beautiful collection for you all. I would also like to thank my family for providing me with [1] a vast amount of options from their cupboards. To celebrate this momentous occasion, see the mug that started it all, that I am drinking from right now and made me an honorary member of the Scandi Super Club:
And in place of a new mug, I shall provide you with my most beautiful bowl instead:
I shall look forward to showing you many more beautiful mugs in the coming year [2]
That is a great bowl. Someone wants to win Bowl of the Year in the Tardies 2025!
It looks a bit like a traditional Swedish folkdräkt
This is the one for all of Sweden but there are separate ones for all provinces
Oh no! You have discovered my devious plans whatever shall I do now?
Oh wow, I just bumped into Professor Bernice Summerfield!
“Those volunteers you have working on the site, submitted edits to stories, are doing a bloody brilliant job digging up the past. Most people just bumble about kicking up dust, but they actually know what they are doing!
“Let them know that if they are looking for a job with a bit of adventure, mild peril, and the occasional brush with temporal paradoxes, to come and see me.
“The pay is non-existent, the hours are dreadful, and there’s a high chance of running into something that wants to eat us. But on the bright side you get to see history first-hand, before it is rewritten by the Doctor…
What do you say, internship with Benny - a once in a lifetime opportunity (hopefully not literally)?”
Here are the winners of the Digging up the past awards!
Top 3 members who submitted the most edits using the “Suggest Edits” form:
@arbeaone, @ineffyble, @AlfieSigma !!
Top 3 members who approved the most edits submitted by other members:
@deltaandthebannermen, @ItsR0b0tNinja, @MrColdStream
Don’t worry everyone, you’ll all get access to the Suggest Edits forms as the site goes towards more “user contribution” in 2025, and there will be a whole set of awesome badges and titles you can unlock (which some of you have been spying already).
Thanks Benny! Oh, she’s gone off to find Wolsey who is chasing K9!
It’s actually traditional clothes of the people in Brittany in France, so you’re not that far off
Ooh, another Tardie!. Thank you!.
One I didn’t expect. Guess I don’t have to feel bad about forgetting to check the edits some days, I’ve been stressing out about that
I’ll admit I’ve been tending to forget about checking the edits…
Yeah me too despite I’m submitting them all the day Should @shauny build a pop-up reminder to bully the mods to check them more? /hj
Half the trouble, too, is that a lot of the edits are on content I’ve never seen or heard, and while I could just blindly approve things and assume people know what they are doing, I like to be on the safe side and make sure.
And, of course, when I know somethings going to be taking up some time is the time I’m most likely to end up not getting around to it. (And also once I get out of the habit of doing something, I have real trouble reestablishing it…)
Benny’s at the UNIT office???
Must be a very busy week for them
Congratulations to all these award winners!
You all deserve it!
Indeed. They are well deserved to everyone who has had a part in building, expanding and maintaining the main site and the forum, as a positive place to enjoy all things Doctor Who. It’s been a much-needed resource.
Everyone who’s anyone is coming to our celebration
Sorry guys. Long time, no update. I’d tell you what has been going on here but I’ve been told that the paradox could “irreparably damage the Web of Time” and that sounds pretty bad so…
Here’s another award, hopefully there will be lots more tomorrow as well!!
It’s the “This is a bad idea” award - named after the incredible meme that was introduced right here on TARDIS Guide, and based around our Choose your own adventure read-alongs.
This badge is awarded to the poor souls who were completely alone in their votes of what to do next. Maybe if we had listened to their protests, we would have survived longer in these books, instead of always getting a bad ending
Congratulations, open these up to see who won: