What if I want the Toymaker to stay?
Yeah that was a mistake, I’ll fix it right now
What if I want the Toymaker to stay?
Yeah that was a mistake, I’ll fix it right now
Oh no, it’s too late, I can’t change it back…
But @SweetAIBelle is celebrating too!
I think we All Need to do the emoji, at least Twelve Or more…
Sorry Grandpa Shauny…
"It’s not… fair… please…
My legions are coming!!"
(Shauny tries to reply to celebrate the banishing of the Toymaker, but he can’t seem to type properly, everything is coming out in a weird way… It’s like UNIT HQ computers are being controlled from outside the building…)
IANTO is in capital letters
Same in this post:
I Am NoT alOne
By Coldstream’s Teeth, what is going on here
Okay. I have looked at @shauny post in the Ianto focused thread for TV Club: Torchwood - Cyberwoman but found nothing strange.
Also nothing strange here:
To be fair, half of the ones I’ve done are before the One Who Waits was there watching. Thanks for the award.
First mention of Ianto in this thread:
This is a bit creepy now