Speculating on the season finale

? Identify her from her ankles?
How do you identify someone from their ankles?

If I had pictures of just 10 different ankles, I wouldn’t be able to identify my own ankles in that lineup!



I think it’s that her pants had high cuffs so there was a sizable gap between the edge of the pant legs and the top of her boots. I vaguely remember that being talked about when her costume was revealed.


Ok from a costume, that I can understand :wink:


So either Ruby’s Mum is the Thirteenth Doctor and Mrs Flood is Clara Oswald, or the costume department is saving a few quid reusing some costumes :thinking:


you would still need a tremendous amount of confidence and a large fixation to identify her based on ankles alone, i think


Totally agreed. Though I can see their thought process of high pant legs coupled with the reveal trailer cloak. Personally, I highly doubt that it’s Jodie as I feel it’s too soon after the end of her tenure to be bringing her back.


this is what The Doctor is really a doctor of, ankleolgy


“I study ankles now. Ankles are cool!”


Do you watch “House of the Dragon”? I’m betting Laris Strong could answer your question… probably in far more detail than you would be comfortable with! :upside_down_face:


Having seen the first five seasons of Game of Thrones I definitely don’t think I will be comfortable with that :eyes::wink:


If you’ve not seen season 1 of “House of the Dragon” it might even be worse than you suspect! :rofl:


Going back to this.

RTD does know Sutekh isn’t from the Third Doctor era, right?


You know, a Flood is also a type of disaster…


I believe this could be a reference to the Time Window, which UNIT probably began building as soon as the Doctor forbade them to experiment with time travel technology in the 70s.


Possibly but ‘long-buried secret’ is a bit of a florid way of describing something you get to in a lift…

(And I wonder where it was kept before UNIT built their Avengers tower).


I think in fact more than anything RTD would benefit from not talking as much about it - idk why but this season especially it’s felt like he’s been saying so much more nonsense than usual and it makes me want to :person_facepalming:


I know people criticised Chibnall for the lack of publicity and talking about the show but more often than not since RTD took over I’ve come to the conclusion he needs to take a leaf out of Chibnall’s book and just shut up. 99% of the Davros=disabled controversy came not from the minisode but from his comments afterwards.

I never ever listen to RTD’s hype because it all too often leads fandom up a blind alley (the Wild Blue Yonder debacle was proof enough of that).


Slightly off topic, but in response:

I always felt that Chibnall was dealt an impossible hand here. Wasn’t he supposed to have a marketing guru who was never appointed as the role was then deemed surplus to requirements? Also, for all of RTDs talking about the show, he’s also made it clear that a fair amount of the publicity stuff is managed by other people and not him. He might sign off on stuff, but there seems to have been plenty that was also outside of his hands. I’ve always had the feeling that Chibnall wasn’t adequately supported in that regard and yet is vilified for it. Things are seldom as straightforward as painted by a “certain section” of fandom.

On topic, speculating about the finale… I’m truly intrigued to see what’s going on INSIDE the TARDIS. :thinking:


I believe this was the case, yes.


Is that what happened? I remember Chibnall era fans always being really mad the show wasn’t being promoted. But I hate going on Twitter and Instagram and it’s not like I expect to see ads in real life (and I’m going to watch the show no matter what) so I never noticed or cared. I used to feel like the people I was talking to were fans of the BBC Doctor Who Twitter account before they were fans of the actual show. It sounded exhausting to be keeping up with the promotion like that. Still, it’s interesting to know there was actually something going on.

I think RTD’s talking about stuff is funny at worst and interesting at best, to be honest. Like, sometimes he’s messing with you, sometimes he’s got something actually thoughtful and interesting to say, either way I’m entertained. But I do favor him as a writer as well.