Speculating on the season finale

So, this season’s been setting up and dealing with a pantheon of powerful gods. We know there’s someone powerful (presumably another god) called “The One Who Waits” (possibly also “The Oldest One”). We also know that the finale features a “long-buried secret [that] has been waiting since the era of the Third Doctor”.

What if “The One Who Waits” is Kronos, from “The Time Monster”? A powerful entity from outside time who could easily be retconed into the god of time. Not only does a god of time fit nicely with “The One Who Waits”, it’s not unreasonable that the TOMTIT device could still be around, buried in the Unit vaults since the 3rd doctor’s era. Plus, it turned Benton into a baby, and babies seem to be thematically relevant.

For a bonus theory: What if Mrs. Flood or Susan Twist or whoever, isn’t an older Ruby, but a younger one, who then gets turned into a baby? What if one of them’s younger Ruby and the other is older Ruby?


Ha could you imagine the fan furore if this entire season is a Time Monster callback? Bring back the Chronovore! I’m still saying let Susan be the One Who Waits, even if Maestro referred to them as “he” - but surely demi-gods gets the pronouns of mere mortals mixed up right?:wink: I’ve got no serious speculations to offer.:slightly_smiling_face:


Surely Rory should be the One Who Waits?

Though, of course, maybe we get there, and it is just straight Tom Waits…


I like this teory, actually! Kronos being the God of Time would make sense, and having the God of Time as the “final boss” also makes sense for a time travel show. I would love to see the return of the TOMTIT machine as well, simply because of its fabulous name!


Now I want a scene with 15 and Tom Waits ala the one with Tom Waits and Iggy Pop in Coffee and Cigarettes :grin:


I LOVE that theory and would be happy with it, but I’m still out here banging my the Trickster’s got to be involved somehow drum. It just makes so much sense to me:

Based off the SJA unmade eps, Ruby=Sky, the Trickster’s daughter - a mystery orphan who gets adopted. The Trickster himself comes from ‘beyond the universe’, is part of the Pantheon of Discord, and can manipulate reality for chaos. And so following this to its natural conclusions (Battle of Bannerman Road plot), there’s going to be a big showdown between the Doctor and the Gods, Ruby is going to seem like she’s turned into an agent of them, then she’ll sacrifice herself to save the day.

RTD has already proved he doesn’t mind repeating his old plots, after all!


Honestly, given the penultimate episode is “The Legend of Ruby Sunday”, Ruby becoming supernatural and part of the Pantheon wouldn’t be terribly out there…


I don’t like speculation because I like to be surprised but I’m also rooting for The Trickster. Just hope they update his design and make him even more scary :frowning_with_open_mouth:


I’m the same normally but I think our particular TARDIS Guide vibe is making me more receptive to discussing theories without the fear of a) someone actually spoiling us because they want to show off they know something and b) no one is going to be using the speculation to add ‘and of course Chibnall would have ****ed this up’ every chance they got.


I’m more worried that some clever person would figure it all out and then I wouldn’t be surprised when it actually happened.

I think they may have figured it out already :smiley:


I think there’s enough different theories to keep us guessing for now.

And you don’t need to read the spoiler tags :wink:


Yes I do. It’s a compulsion.


When I heard about the finale featuring something from the Third Doctor’s past, my first thought was Omega.


Imagine if we get to the finale, and it turns out to feature Bessie…


It’ll be an Ogron with a stolen dematerialisation unit in the Whomobile flying away from a Drashig


Oh, I was thinking maybe Bessie herself had gone sentient, and was the one who waited, waiting for the Doctor to come back to her. You know 15 would be delighted to be driving around in Bessie…


Leaving this here…


NGL, this was my thought as well

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I have a theory that we’ll find out on 22nd June.


The one who waits is…https://tinyurl.com/5n76u6tx

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