Speculating on the season finale

David Tennant returns just to be combined back with Ncuti. This way they can lay Tennant to rest :pray:.


With the pantheon so far being related different forms of entertainment, and the TV theory doing the rounds, I’ve been wondering if The One Who Waits is a ‘God of Television’ or something to that effect


I do believe it will be something very similar to that. Another villain being the Director or such.


I got it, The One who Waits is a fan of A Song of Ice and Fire, and is waiting for George R. R. Martin finishes writing the next book in the series :grin:


personally I’m putting my money on the big boss being related to stories/narrative since games and music are both modes of conveying a narrative.

also adding to my bingo card the jukebox being important in a ‘harbinger of the BBEG’ way as it appears in only fifteen’s tardis after being hit with the mallet they won from the Toymaker.


Ack I just inadvertently fell over a casting rumour for the finale :grimacing: Hate when that happens.


If it’s the one I’ve heard of (not saying names in case I ruin it even more lol) I heard it was just a joke because people can edit IMDB without it being double checked, and it got copied across. No idea if that’s right anyway.

We will see on the day. Trying to avoid spoilers!

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the glorious and overdue return of Olive Hawthorn, I would be here for it!!


Sadly Damaris Hayman died a year or two ago.


Okay guys hear me out imma bet that Empire of death is named that because it’s a super cliché Doctor Who name and the episode is actually gonna be very meta, related to Susan Twist appearing the entire time.

If I end up being wrong forget I ever said this if I end up being right im totally the smartest that has ever smartet


Oh! Am I being thick here in only just realising that the first appearance of Susan Twist and the first time we hear about Mavity happens within a timespan of like three or four minutes in the beginning of Wild Blue Yonder?

It would really be prime RTD if those two things are connected somehow. That the Doctor thinks everything is about the salt he spread at the edge of the universe and tries to solve that only to be blindsided that it was actually that chance encounter with Isaac Newton that started this whole supernatural brouhaha.


There’s a line from “The Giggle” that stood out to me when I first heard it, and the fact that it’s repeated in the preview for the next episode leads me to believe it’s actually important.

When the Doctor enters UNIT tower, Kate calls out “Gold Protocol, The Doctor’s in the room.” She says something similar in the trailer for next week. Given that the first thing we see this iteration of UNIT do is kidnap a journalist in “The Star Beast”, I think “Gold Protocol” means “best behavior” and keeping all their shady stuff out of sight while the Doctor’s around so he doesn’t see it and stop them.

I’ve seen people talk about how the show’s been weirdly uncritical about this massive paramilitary organization, and I think something’s being set up there. It may not be this finale, but I think UNIT’s going to show its darker side, and try to go up against the Doctor


We rewound and paused the next time about 20 times to try and catch the image Susan Twist turns into. The closest we could work out was something Borg-like.


There’s also the quote from 73 Yards:

RUBY: And you worked with the Doctor?
KATE: With him. Despite him. Against him, sometimes. And I adore him. I can only say that now he’s not here.


There’s only one clear (ish) frame of it


And there’s the shot before which looks a bit Hela (from Thor) like.


Looks spooky, I hope the finale is really scary, I’ll be in the cinema :laughing:


I may be too!


Interesting theory. The thing that makes me doubt it is The Time Monster’s lack of popularity within fandom.

I was thinking before The Legend Of Ruby Sunday’s teaser at the end of Rogue that the main antagonist would be the Meddling Monk because of all of the changes to time, but now Sutekh seems more likely because of the pyramids that can be seen just in the background of Susan Twist with that weird alien make-up.