Who knows, some of them might be! Skaro definitely looks grey and barren like Scandinavia in the winter.
Nah, that’s just them taking inspiration from the British countryside, they’re just brits
So the answer’s still yes
You’ve made a very good point there, friend!
I’ll let the Daleks be British pepperpots then.
Still waiting for a proper Scandinavian villain/companion/Doctor/supporting character…
From Denmark we had Nils from “The Moonbase”. Think that might be the only Danish character in Who… (And two of those episodes are missing…)
I just remembered that there are Hanne and Erik from It Takes You Away as well.
But they are Norwegians, so they don’t count…
Anybody who buys physical big finish CDs in the EU (ideally Germany, but it should technically be the same), how much do you have to pay in taxes/fees on import? Because I want to buy some physical releases this year and having a better idea of this would really help me budget
Where can I read the 12th Doctor comic Relative Dimensions? TARDIS Wiki says it’s included in the collection Hyperion, but my digital copy ends after The Hyperion Empire, with the next collection picking up with Clara Oswald and the School of Death.
Yeah, it doesn’t appear to be in any of the collections, you’ll have to find it separately I’m afraid
It was part of my collection, which I got from the Humble Bunde. But it seems to be missing from some collections.
Wait, where is it? Because I have the humble bundle too and I couldn’t find it just now
I have to double check, I just need to redownload the file. Gimme a moment!
Okay, this is weird. I know I’ve read it - I have completed and rated it on the site, and I’ve written notes for a review I’ve yet to publish. But I can’t find it anywhere! I think it might be in one of the other collections.
Oh don’t highlight that! I read @wishiwashistan’s question and I knew I’d found it but I can’t remember where! When I get home I’ll have a look.
Well, we have a real mystery here. People have read it but no one remember where
Doctor Who and the Lost Comic
This is the reason I collect physical media!
Maybe the real Relative Dimensions comic is the friends we made along the way? Thank you all for helping out!
Let me know when you figure it out and maybe we can put it on the site to help others
It’s in issue 16 (2015 Holiday Special) of the Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor comic series. I checked my sources for the Hyperion collection, and it doesn’t appear to have been included in the Humble Bundle anthology. It may be in the physical copy as TARDIS Wiki’s entry for it notes about twenty more pages than the HB version. Apparently it isn’t there, either.
If you’re especially anxious to read it, you can message me.
I don’t even see that on the site. I think there are still big gaps in the Comic stuff on the site - I don’t read comics so I’ve not been able to really look into it…