Random questions

I’ve heard that sometimes cosplayers of certain characters have been approached by Big Finish for consent to use their cosplay, then to photoshop character faces on their heads. I know this happened to an 8th Doctor cosplayer.

Big Finish do have a big hard drive with folders dedicated to characters, including promo pics, but I have noticed they can also use single shots from episode scenes too.

For the Paternoster Gang, I don’t think it’s entirely photoshop. They probably used base images from that hard drive.

Though you do start to wonder when they may run out of promo pics especially for dead characters/ aliens/ characters who are eternally young. But they’d probably seek out more cosplayers for the postures and figures.


Some covers feature really clever compositing to create “new” images. One of my favourite, weirder little examples is, of all things, a picture of Capaldi from Deep Breath being used as a base for the man to the immediate right of Tom on the cover of The God of Phantoms.

Re: The Lalla Ward question, she did record an Eighth of March audio after moving to Hong Kong, so I don’t think that’s a hard barrier. I do hope to hear more of Romana II in future, as she’s my favourite companion in the Tom Baker era, if not ever!

It’d be nice to hear more of Benton, and you’d think Levene would be all over Big Finish! But I’m sure there’s a good reason why it doesn’t happen, and in a way it might be for the better because the lack of UNIT regulars makes room in the cast for more story-specific characters.


Big Finish has recycled other Doctors’ companions/characters (Jago and Litefoot, Jamie, and Zoe) to use as Sixth Doctor companions. Have they done this with any other Doctor?


I’m trying to think but only coming up with the Locum Doctors trilogy (7 with Jo, 6 with Jamie and Zoe and 5 with Steven and Vicki). I feel like I’m forgetting something though.


Not another Doctor’s character, but would Andy Davidson count?


Also sort of this?


My random question is why there is so little EU with 11 and the Ponds. Feel like they more often pair him up with Clara. I am mostly thinking of stuff that came out after the eleventh regenerated.

And why so little eleven stuff at all?


Oh, I didn’t know the Six/Jamie/Zoe thing was a part of a larger trilogy of mismatched companions. That’s good, because I was thinking they just dumped Zoe onto him without any rhyme or reason.


According to what I have on the site, Eleven has almost as much stuff as Ten, and they both have far more than the other revival Doctors.

Why do you think he doesn’t have much?


It is probably just a feeling but I feel like eleven gets less stuff after his regeneration then the others. For example:
BBC Audio
9 - 2
10 - 2
11 - 1
12 - 3

9 - 2
10 - 4 + DotD
11 - 1 + DotD
12 - 3


Okay had to look if this was true. If we count from Peters’s first episode (the start of the next era) these are the stuff we have got:

Eleven and Amy
Short Stories: 2
Big Finish: 1
Comic: 1

Eleven and Clara
Original Novels: 1
Short Stories: 5
Target novels: 2
Comics: 2
BBC Audio: 1
Big finish 1

To me, this feels strange when Amy (and Rory) is the Eleventh’s companion most of the time.


Can anyone who has listened to The Seventh Doctor Adventures: Far From Home tell me if at present Naomi and Harry are still traveling with the Seventh Doctor?


I found a free audio, The Four Doctors (Promo).

Is this the full story?


I believe it is, yes! I haven’t listened to it yet but big finish made that one free a few months ago for an anniversary and as an apology for their website troubles in summer, I think


Yeah, I believe that is the complete story. It used to be a subscriber exclusive, but was made available to everyone as an apology for the whole website disaster.


I can confirm that it is the full story. I downloaded it and listened to it a couple of months ago when it was made available.


Really random thought that made me have a little think earlier when reading the Dalek Book from 1964, in one of the stories the Daleks are threatened with all the air from Skaro being taken away. It even specifies and says the Daleks would suffocate in minutes.

Which begs the question ‘Do Daleks breathe’?

(for further context the book is written by Terry Nation and David Whittaker)


Well, my theory is that the Daleks mutants themselves need air to breathe, so their casing has an air supply that’s being pumped in.

I’m unsure how this would work with the story from the Dalek Book, but…


Further questions related to this:

Do Daleks eat?
Do Daleks drink?
If yes, do Daleks use the bathroom and how do they do it?

An even more important question: can Daleks get drunk and feel unwell and puke all over the place?


Are you trying to make an argument that Daleks are Scandinavian? :grin: