I’m also sat here waiting to contribute to the site more with release dates. It’s weird with their Twitter account being so quiet.
THE OLD WEBISTE IS BACK! I never thought I would miss it, but its good to see it back.
Downloads seems to be working on both the new and old apps. Payments dont seem to be working on the site mind.
Lovely, but please charge your phone
Okay so, you can stoll download stuff to both the new and revived apps*.
On the new app, purchases made on the revived site (today onwards) don’t currently appear.
On the revived app, purchases from the new site dont currently appear (though they do appear im my order history).
*just on a point of terminology im calling the 30th July - 15th August site the new site, and the current version the revived site. This is as calling the revived site the old site when its the new one technically, is a nightmare.
Any word on how long the current version will be in place?
Soon it will be tried and executed on Skaro…
You are not alone!
Deathworld out now!
Hooray! Sanity has briefly returned alongside the old website, and my entirte product library is actually visible.
Now to start the insufferably long task of downloading all 1K+ releases to my SSD.
Being able to sort by range again actually makes this a lot less headache inducing, since I’ve already got two full Benny series downloaded.
Oh yeah, I own the entire Monthly Range don’t I?
275 downloads. That’s not gonna be fun
This is excellent news! Most excellent!
River Song is releasing shortly
But I’m actually in the middle of a full River Song re-listen so I don’t think I’ll even listen to it until after that now!
Been excited for Deathworld, first time I’ve listened to any of the BF 1-3 actors!, but after it I’ll probably take a wee break to prevent BF burn out
So excited for this story though it sounds awesome
Deathworld finally!!
Unfortunately the new app still has it as to be released and the old app will not update the list.
6 posts were split to a new topic: Big Finish recasts
Same here. Did Lucie Miller Series 2 this morning, took the best part of an hour (first to download, then to sync). Needed to do that one though because it’s too big for my phone
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Third Doctor Adventures Audios
This has been a bit of a journey, hasn’t it? I haven’t read all of this thread but I can understand the frustrations. Poor old Big Finish. Considering, in the grand scheme of things, being unable to access purchases for a couple of weeks isn’t the end of the world, it won’t have done their reputation much good. Going back to the old website is a very wise move - I was so pleased to see that familiar font again!
I don’t know much - or anything - about website maintenance, but would much have preferred the ‘old’ site to have been ‘tweaked’ every so often rather than a full replacement. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Heard great things about the 3DAs! I used to initially be very against impressionists years ago but I’m more willing now; so I guess Deathworld will let me see how I feel about Treloar and eventually getting to the 3DAs
oh and yeah haha the website am I right