Can I help in some way?
Yes you could… I’ll send you a PM!
I don’t mind helping a little. I’m going through my Ebooks. There are a few missing from the site (the shakespeare notebooks as an example) i’m gonna make a list of what I have and then i can help with the donkey wokr of sorting the data.
I’ve been getting into Faction Paradox lately and would be interested in helping with those any way I can so I can log the books and comics on the site. Since I haven’t read/listened to nearly all of it yet, I wouldn’t be able to provide the specific plot/character details, but I might be able to track down other needed “metadata”.
Also, something to add to your audios list: The Minister of Chance
Well I was wondering what to add next so I’ll add Faction Paradox books next
My boyfriend just bought me a bunch of them (despite me telling him he didn’t have to), so I welcome this c:
One I didn’t spot on the database or the list was the very first original Doctor Who novel: Doctor Who and the Invasion from Space. (Ignore me if I’ve missed it, and no rush, I haven’t read it myself.)
Welcome to the forum.
I’m sure it’s on @shauny’s HUGE list of things to add to the site but it’s always good to prompt him
Ooh it wasn’t on the list, thanks! Added it to my list
Can we add Music of the Spheres to list of minisodes?
Oh and thank you for fixing the typo in Doctor Who (2005-2022)
Can you now make Doctor Who (2024-) from 2023 instead?
I’ve added Music of the Spheres - it’s not in a great state, this is how I had it in my drafts. Really need a better picture!
Whoops, fixed that too.
You are always so quick! Thank you Shauny.
Is the Doctor Who Discovers series there? I couldn’t find it
I’ve added it to the list, thanks!
One of the maddest Doctor Who things written - and made ‘canon’ by The Kingmaker!
Would these warrant inclusion:
In my continual quest for new Who audio, I have spotted the On Fleak Audios. Their website has gone away, and there has been no activity on their facebook page since 2020, so I giess that the 8 audios listed on Bandcamp are the whole set. Nice covers, though
I can add these if you think it’s worth it but I definitely want to prioritise official releases!
I am completely happy for you to manage the order and priority. I’m just adding things to the ever-growing backlog.
I’m also happy to help with adding stuff if that would be useful.
Always happy to recruit more volunteers!
I’ll send some details soon, it’s late now.