My big list of things to add to the site

Can I help in some way?

Yes you could… I’ll send you a PM!

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I don’t mind helping a little. I’m going through my Ebooks. There are a few missing from the site (the shakespeare notebooks as an example) i’m gonna make a list of what I have and then i can help with the donkey wokr of sorting the data.


I’ve been getting into Faction Paradox lately and would be interested in helping with those any way I can so I can log the books and comics on the site. Since I haven’t read/listened to nearly all of it yet, I wouldn’t be able to provide the specific plot/character details, but I might be able to track down other needed “metadata”.

Also, something to add to your audios list: The Minister of Chance


Well I was wondering what to add next so I’ll add Faction Paradox books next :grin:


My boyfriend just bought me a bunch of them (despite me telling him he didn’t have to), so I welcome this c:


One I didn’t spot on the database or the list was the very first original Doctor Who novel: Doctor Who and the Invasion from Space. (Ignore me if I’ve missed it, and no rush, I haven’t read it myself.)


Welcome to the forum.

I’m sure it’s on @shauny’s HUGE list of things to add to the site but it’s always good to prompt him :wink:

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Ooh it wasn’t on the list, thanks! Added it to my list :blush:


Can we add Music of the Spheres to list of minisodes? :slight_smile:

Oh and thank you for fixing the typo in Doctor Who (2005-2022)

Can you now make Doctor Who (2024-) from 2023 instead?


I’ve added Music of the Spheres - it’s not in a great state, this is how I had it in my drafts. Really need a better picture!

Whoops, fixed that too.


You are always so quick! Thank you Shauny. :smiley:


Is the Doctor Who Discovers series there? I couldn’t find it

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I’ve added it to the list, thanks!

One of the maddest Doctor Who things written - and made ‘canon’ by The Kingmaker!


Would these warrant inclusion:


In my continual quest for new Who audio, I have spotted the On Fleak Audios. Their website has gone away, and there has been no activity on their facebook page since 2020, so I giess that the 8 audios listed on Bandcamp are the whole set. Nice covers, though :grin:

I can add these if you think it’s worth it but I definitely want to prioritise official releases!


I am completely happy for you to manage the order and priority. I’m just adding things to the ever-growing backlog. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m also happy to help with adding stuff if that would be useful.

Always happy to recruit more volunteers!

I’ll send some details soon, it’s late now.