Gallifrey - The Audio Series

Homecoming is… an episode, but I’ve really been enjoying War Room (partly because of my new obsession with Veklin :sweat_smile:). But at least you’ve got plenty of time to catch up because the next WR boxset is still over a year away until release :sob::sob:


A year???


It was supposed to have been scheduled for this month but they’ve been sneakily pushing it back and back and then recently they announced November 2025 :sob: Jason Haigh-Ellery claims it’s dut to ‘overseas scheduling issues’ so… Romana???


Now I’ve finished all of the Gallifrey: Time War seasons.

Homecoming was there I guess. The story cooks along until the Daleks takes front and centre. Okay we haven’t had all that much with the Daleks in these Time War seasons, but still that Emperor Dalek always grates in my ears.
And I got to say that Romana’s banishment by Rassilon seems a bit lazy storytelling wise. But I know they had to keep the door slightly open so they could potentially have Lalla Ward back

Eris is a good addition to Gallifrey overall, but I am not quite onboard with Richard Armitage’s Rassilon yet.

  • Time War 1 had some good Time War missions with some fun team ups. That’s it, overall Gallifrey fun :slightly_smiling_face:
  • Time War 2 was the only season that really felt like it was moving things along, that there was a plan behind it. And it had Terrance Hardiman as Rassilon which was fantastic :grin: The best of the bunch by far.
  • Time War 3 was just side quests till Leela came back, no structure and not the strongest stories.
  • Time War 4 took a bit of inspiration from Time War 1 I feel like, standalone stories carried along by a fantastic cast, but again no overall plan, and the stories were stronger in the first season as well. At the end they remembered that this was about the Time War and stuck some Daleks in there.

I hope there is a bit more “vision” and overarching structure for the War Room seasons.
And just give me Ace, CIA Agent back! :sunglasses:


Isn’t it also so funny how they shot Narvin like :wink::wink: he’s dead now for real honest even though you obviously know it’s not. I was massively disappointed with Homecoming tbh, I felt the Romana/Leela/Narvin reunion was rushed and underbaked, and I felt Livia and Mantus got too much spotlight. Overall I think Homecoming is like, fine, but it’s very busy as an episode while somehow also being plodding and dull. It’s trying to do a lot while also not really doing anything.

Also, another fun fact, the whole reason why they are so insistent on Romana getting put in the Matrix archive is so they could tie it in to the obvious and well known canon of the now closed Doctor Who experience! Hooray! Yeah… I don’t care for this episode at all. I find it very frustrating

As I say, TW2 is easily and objectively the best - Gallifrey always runs best when it’s a long, interwoven story based in character and politics.

The Amazing CIA Adventures of Ace and Narvin WHEN!!!


Absolutely this!

Or a prequel season of Narvin working his way up in the CIA :sunglasses:


Side characters have had spinoffs for less :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:


Series 2 and partially 3. Very similar occurrences.

For example:

TW: Terrorism and xenophobia. Also spoilers (I have no idea how I hide them)

Darkel and Valyes pretend they are not xenophobic, yet they are doing everything they can to isolate Gallifrey from the universe. Basically every pro-War politician in Russia says that “Gayrope” and “Decaying West” should stay away from “the best country in the world”.

Also, when in the second series an alien student who poisoned the water supplies turned out to be a Free Time agent, Valyes took all of the privileges away from all alien students, basically making them outcasts.
In Russia, when the terrorists that attacked the Crocus City Hall mall and killed a lot of people turned out to be from Tadzhikistan, there were a lot of xenophobic acts of violence happing in Russua.


So while I am trying to resist the urge to spend money, what things do I need to have watched/listened to before this series? I think it’s some of the earlier main range ones, is that right?
(And if yes, how standalone are those? I’ve only been following the Eight and Charley ones in the audio club so far)


I’d say all you need is The Apocalypse Element and Neverland/Zagreus. Maybe The Sirens of Time before those. Gallifrey picks up with Leela and Romana fairly soon after Zagreus.


I would also say that giving Invasion of Time a watch, though not necessary, definitely doesn’t hurt. All of Darth’s suggestions are pretty important though if you want some context, though you would probably be just fine without


Personally I think it’s fine going into the series only knowing at least a bit who Romana and Leela are. The titles stated certainly do help though. I went into it only having listened to Apocalypse Element out of these (well and Sirens of Time) and still gotten around to Zagreus. Still enjoyed the series a lot.