Gallifrey - The Audio Series

This is a thread to discuss all the Gallifrey series from Big Finish (Gallifrey Series 1-8, Gallifrey: Time War 1-4, Gallifrey: War Room 1-4, Dark Gallifrey 1-8). This isn’t to take the place of potential Audio Club discussions, but a place to discuss various aspects, arcs, stories, characters, etc.


On a side note, is it possible to create a “Gallifrey” tag?


Big Finish just announced Dark Gallifrey today: Dark Gallifrey - News - Big Finish. 24 releases featuring evil Time Lords. I’m eyeing the War Master ones and probably the Missy ones. The other confirmed characters will probably be on my list for eventually. I’m not really interested in Morbius and the “Bruce” Master is fine but not a favorite.

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I just saw the trailer for that on youtube, I’m interested but I’m a bit behind on gallifrey and it’ll be a bit before I catch up

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this series seems super interesting, is there any required listening/reading?

It doesn’t look like Dark Gallifrey has any required listening short of knowing who the featured characters are.

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oh i meant the gallifrey series as a whole, sorry if i wasn’t clear

No problem. If you start Gallifrey from the beginning I think you’re okay. If you know who Romana II is and that Leela ended up on Gallifrey, you should be fine. Ideally, having the Big Finish stories The Apocalypse Element and Neverland/Zagreus under your belt helps but aren’t necessary. (And Zagreus is such a polarizing story that you should approach with caution.) Otherwise, you should be okay.


I love Gallifrey and that news of Dark Gallifrey sounds brilliant - interesting to see the return of Samuel West as Morbius.

I haven’t yet tried the Time War or War Room sets yet but I have to say the War aspect turns me off a little.


I’ve enjoyed both. The highlight of War Room is Leela holding her own against the Time War.


I think when I first saw the announcement of War Room I had a mental image of box sets consisting of people standing around a table talking about things. It didn’t sound particularly dynamic - I’m sure it is better than that though! :upside_down_face:

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It’s much more Leela against everyone while trying to do the right thing and navigate War Room politics.


One series never got around to and is in my todo list also.

Series 1-3 really are some of the best political drama in the Whoniverse.


Those three first seasons are simply phenomenal! “Mindbomb” from season 3 is definitely in my top 5 of anything from the Whoniverse :tardis: of any type of media. The twists and turns, political machinations, Narvin, Darkel, the return of Braxiatel - it just has got everything in is. A stellar script with performances to match it. Chef’s kiss


Did the first season of Gallifrey and has good twist in it.


How did I miss this thread! I LOVE Gallifrey so so much and it’s a huge part of the chain of events that brought me to the US haha

It’s just so compelling!!! I adore Leela and Romana and their constant friendship despite everything, and of course Narvin’s epic learning how to care about other people arc. I’m also in the minority (at least of people I know) because I’m a Gallifrey: Time War enjoyer. It certainly has it’s issues (don’t get me started on Leela in TW :roll_eyes:) but I don’t think it’s half as bad as popular opinion holds.

War Room however is bloody fantastic and I cannot wait for the next boxset


Anjli Mohindra’s performance in S5: Arbitration might just be her best acting in all of Who in my opinion, and I loved her as Rani and found she did a good job as the Skithra Queen.
Her interactions with Leela are just so good and so emotional. Season 5 done: Pepperpots next. Daleks are the masters of all Gallifreys

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Ooh, I love Anjli and didn’t realise she was in this. Even more reason for me to start listening!


Give in to Gallifrey :grin:
I think she’s only in that one episode, but she is great in it