Completing the Monthly Adventures - REVIEW(S)

First things first, feel free to completely ignore this topic.

This is a thread surrounding my marathon of the Monthly Adventures as I’m reviewing them as I go and would like a place to update my list of reviews with the new links so I can one:

  1. Give attention to the reviews
  2. Have a way of keeping track of them without having to search through my account
  3. Have something to update so my brain has some motivation to not just give up fifteen audios in.

If this conflicts with Audio Club or anything, just let me know, I’ll take it down, I just wanted to do this thread and not give some other post 275 replies smothering anyone else’s contributions.

If you read a review here you like, please do go ahead and drop a like on it.

Well, happy reviewing everyone.


The Monthly Adventures #001 - “The Sirens of Time” by Nicholas Briggs

A weak story but a good start in my opinion. It manages to introduce the tone and mission of The Monthly Adventures pretty well whilst giving us tasters of all three of our original line up of Doctors. However, I’d be lying if I didn’t call the story a mess, Nick Briggs struggles to keep a coherent narrative. - 5/10


The Monthly Adventures #002 - “Phantasmagoria” by Mark Gatiss

A fun story with a (mostly) good cast struggles to keep a consistent tone but is certainly on the better side of Gatiss’ oeuvre. A fun villain and a simple but fun plot make this a simple but serviceable story - 7/10


The Monthly Adventures #003 - “Whispers of Terror” by Justin Richards

What would appear to be a good, classic horror story with an inventive but effective antagonist turns out to be a bizarre, sound-based political thriller. This half of the story doesn’t land but the horror and sci-fi elements a brilliantly realised - 6/10


The Monthly Adventures #004 - “The Land of the Dead” by Stephen Cole

And it’s time to slow down with a glacially paced story set in Snowy Alaska that is only effective at wasting a good premise as it chooses to spend it’s precious time wandering around a decidedly confusing house - 4/10


The Monthly Adventures #005 - “The Fearmonger” by Jonathan Blum

A biting and fast-paced political wildfire of a story that starts running and never really slows down. An unafraid and brutal takedown of fascism through the lens of a whip-smart sci-fi story that could do with more focus on some of its overlooked elements - 9/10


The Monthly Adventures #006 - “The Marian Conspiracy” by Jacqueline Raynor

Not quite the masterpiece people make it out to be but an incredibly fun historical that manages to deal with some pretty heavy themes well. The plot could use some work though - 8/10


The Monthly Adventures #007 - “The Genocide Machine” by Mike Tucker

A two hour long attempt to make me do literally anything else better with my time. A contrived and dull Dalek story that tries absolutely nothing new in a boring setting with boring characters. A skippable story if I’ve ever seen one - 3/10


The Monthly Adventures #008 - “Red Dawn” by Justin Richards

An unambitious Ice Warrior story that you are pretty much guaranteed to forget after listening to. Doesn’t make the listening experience that bad however, it’s a very fine story - 6/10


The Monthly Adventures #009 - “The Spectre of Lanyon Moor” by Nicholas Pegg

A very Classic Who feeling runaround Cornish moorland with an inactive Brigadier and an incredibly annoying goblin. Only as fun as it sounds in places - 6/10


The Monthly Adventures #010 - “Winter for the Adept” by Andrew Cartmel

Trash. Genuine trash. I honestly can’t think of a story that manages to do so many things so very wrong, maybe The Legend of the Sea Devils. The only thing keeping this from getting worse is how fun it is to point and laugh at it - 2/10


Yeah I found this soooo boring for the most part and hated the goblin!


The Monthly Adventures #011 - “The Apocalypse Element” by Stephen Cole

I think The Apocalypse Element might be the audiodrama equivalent of The Silence because I forget it the moment I stop listening to it. A really short review this time around because half the story was seemingly erased from my memory in the two hours since I listened to it - 4/10


The Monthly Adventures #012 - “The Fires of Vulcan” by Steve Lyons

Honestly, a very disappointing listen. The entire script feels like its on tranquilisers and it ultimately fails to live up to its premise. A good pace and some fantastic performances don’t save what’s in the end wasted potential. - 6/10


The initial premise of the paradox is the story’s biggest strength and weakness, it creates the problem of there being almost no satisfying way to resolve it

Cobwebs had the same problem


I feel like there totally could’ve been some interesting way of resolving it.

Not sure what it would be but just leaving at the end of the story was definitely not the way to do it.


I have a feeling that “complete and utter padding” is going to be a recurring thing


The Monthly Adventures #013 - “The Shadow of the Scourge” by Paul Cornell

The Virgin New Adventures collide with Big Finish as fan favourite writer Paul Cornell delivers an, if generic, fun as all hell outing set in a Kentish hotel sent to another dimension. Matches the tone of the VNAs well but falls just shy of the mark in terms of script - 7/10


The Monthly Adventures #014 - “The Holy Terror” by Robert Shearman

Shearman arrives and with him the first true masterpiece of The Monthly Adventures. A hilarious, surreal, harrowing and puzzling misadventure with a hysterical script and terrifying idea that has one too many flaws for it to be completely perfect. Be prepared for me to say “it works” a lot - 9/10


The Monthly Adventures #015 - “The Mutant Phase” by Nicholas Briggs

Another dull Dalek story, oh boy. The Mutant Phase is more of the same - sort of. It boasts a good idea but is both too boring and too convoluted, not much to talk about here… again - 5/10