Gallifrey - The Audio Series

You mean you didn’t enjoy listening to the world’s wettest Time Lord get put in the torture machine!? :rofl:

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What’s a Wife-Guy (thinking I might be one…)

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I think you meant to post that in the controversial opinion thread.


Good I am not the only one with FOMO for this one. I have decided that it will be my next one after the eleventh chronicle.


hoorayyyy soon everyone will be converted into a Gallifrey fan >:)


I’m sure it will be better when I hear him in Gallifrey.

Just finished episode 2 and now I like it. I like the relationship between Romana and Lela and I like the banter between K9 and K9. The setting and intriguing politics of this world. Looking forward to hearing more.


Just finished “Enemy Lines”.
While “Intervention Earth” was a bit disappointing - too rushed and not enough Omega , this is Gallifrey back on form for me👍

Yet more alternative timelines/universes.

Ace teaching Narvin to high five - does it get any better than that? :grin:


Oh Omega was in it , I must have sneezed and missed it :crazy_face:.


I have listened to the first three episodes of the first Time War set.
Celestial Intervention was good
Soldier Obscura and The Devil You Know were absolutely fantastic

Ace paired with Brax was so great. First I’ve heard of Derek Jacobi on audio and I can see the hype is justified. Leela and him made a magnificent duo.

I might end up having to buy the rest of the Time War sets :+1:


Yeah those two middle episodes are fantastic! Unfortunately I lost rather than gained interest in the later series after them, since they seem to mostly exist to write out the characters featured in them :sweat_smile:

I’m sure I’ll get back to the rest of the sets at some point, though.


TDYK is an episode I have such a love/hate relationship because yes, it is good and Jacobi is awesome and Louise Jameson is always brilliant, but i for me it’s the way the episode finally addresses the way Leela slowly has stopped being the ‘warrior’ she claims to be and, whether she likes it or not, has become more ‘time lord’, but I find the ending of it a bit of a cop out because they make the point of saying ‘yeah, look, she threatens to kill this guy but she’s just empty words’ which is a REALLY INTERESTING thing to do with Leela!!! (and let’s be honest, she hasn’t really had an interesting story since s5 by this point)

And then they get rid of her. Argh. What is the point of being interesting if you’re not going to follow through :frowning:

But I would recommend TW2 because it’s, I believe, the most well done TW boxset, and personally I really like TW3. And I love the new War Room series because finally it is kind of picking up those points from TDYK in a way I find very compelling.


Heard the rest of Time War 1, Desperate Measures. I liked it, plenty of political intrigue even if you see the end coming from far away :slightly_smiling_face:

They really just brought Rassilon back with a Make Gallifrey Great Again and a minute later went Lock Her Up :thinking:. Good thing Doctor Who never is political :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m actually really excited for the next installment :+1:


Imperiatrix is sooooooo good, it’s so heartbreaking and devastating and inevitable. It’s Narvin’s turning point. It’s Romana’s turning point. It makes me weep about Leela so openly. It’s got ‘you can’t let her stab me K9 it’s not legal!!!’

Truly an episode that does everything <3



In case this was not already obvious to everyone :rofl: Louise Jameson breaks my heart!!! On Fractures now, and ‘leave me, Annos, I must grow used to my darkness’ just wrecks me every time. I just want my beloved Leela to catch a break one time :frowning: someone give her a hug now :frowning:


Narvin is so funny in series 3, it’s the way he’s all trying to be uptight and grumpy as ever, but he’s been blown to bits so many times and changed whether he wants to have or not. But he’s still trying to pretend his loyalty is always to whoever is in the role of the President when by now he’s ride or die for Romana forever. literally, even…

Actually, something I love in series 1-3 is how funny it is. There’s a certain humour to it despite its tense atmosphere and slow unfolding that disappears after series 3, and I kind of miss it in later episodes.


in honour of I just finished Panacea again, here is my official and very scientific ranking of every Gallifrey ‘‘finale’’

5 - TW4.4 Homecoming. I did not like this episode. I thought it was boring, pointless, unsatisfying, and annoying. Although Leela and Romana’s reunion is sweet, everyone’s character, having been thoroughly assassinated already, gets killed all over again and way too much time gets spent on Livia and Mantus rather than the OG gang reunion we deserved

4 - 3.5 Panacea. I also think this episode is boring, but at least it’s funny. However it also condenses all of the issues of Gallifrey s1-3 into one over-long episode filled with weird quips and wayyyy too much misogyny. Arkadian is funny, but like, it’s not necessary Also, it irritates me that Leela’s character development gets utterly wrecked in this one. You’re telling me she’s suicidal and stupid again? Give me a break, she knows what a metaphor is by now

3 - 6.3 Ascension. One thing Gallifrey is good at is boring finales. As I wrote this I literally had to ask myself ‘wait, what happens in this one’. But at least it’s just boring, and not also irritating. It has the issue of all s6 episodes that it’s too long, but I do like Romana III and at least it feels more conclusive in a more satisfying way than Panacea.

2 - Enemy Lines. I think EL has become less looked down on in recent years, and I really enjoy it for how good it is to Romana and Leela. I have some issue with the Brax storyline, but putting Ace and Leela in the same episode was a great idea, and I admire this episode for trying to do something with ideas of time travel.

1 - WR2.4 Ambition’s Debt. I knowwww this isn’t the finale of War Room, but it’s fricking awesome. Ollistra’s meddling, Narvin and Leela’s desperation, the General and Rasmus and Veklin all deciding where their loyalties lie - it’s exactly what I’ve been yearning Gallifrey to be for year. And if WR really ends as well as this, I’ll be delighted.


also, three words. Reborn dream scene. Easily THE greatest scene in anything ever forever <3 only Brax would get rejected in his own daydream :smiling_face_with_tear:

The only thing better is the outtake with Lalla Ward dissolving into giggles <3


I am not legally allowed to say what crosses my mind when I listen to Disassembled and Interrogator General Leela starts speaking… :flushed::flushed:

That said, Louise Jameson is sublime in this episode. The way she can make her Leelas sound so different to the point where you can tell when one is pretending to be the other one… she really is brilliant


You can’t leave it like that - now I need to know :grin:

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