One thing I’m rather trying to keep in mind these days is that even if you don’t see a cowriter credit for the showrunner on an episode… they were a cowriter.
I was hoping to have an episode by Georgia Cook, I really liked what she did with Ruby Red.
I’m more intrigued by the set in the post…
If she and Fio Trethewey wrote a TV episode I’d be in heaven!!!
Excited by this list though, it’s sorely needed I think
Well, these conflicting opinions certainly surprised me!!!
We usually agree more about EU stuff.
Yes, this is indeed true
Re: the attitude towards McTighe. No one ever doubts the ability of Robert Holmes as a writer but he’s still the guy that gave us The Talons of Weng-Chiang which deliberately leans into racist stereotypes. I think damning McTighe for one slightly fumbled ending is a bit over the top.
Very exciting list, I’m really looking forward to the next season!
The thing is that it is the only thing of his I have seen and therefore it will shape my view of him as a writer. Hopefully, this will be great and then it can change my view of him.
You haven’t watched Praxeus?
Did not know he had written another episode. I had to look that episode up. I have seen it at least twice but have no memory of it.
I’ll admit I mostly remember video bloggers, microplastics, and the gay couple somehow surviving the episode…
Well technically it was co-written with Chibnall.
I quite liked the episode, although there are some aspects I have problems with.
I gave it 3.5/5. That is my that was okay but nothing special rate. I have no memory of it at all.
Being a Thirteen fan, I remember every little detail, and I’ve only seen it once
Kerblam! was decent overall, but I found Praxeus rather middling. Still, good to have him back, and he’ll get added to RFS’s Miniscope with a third contribution. Really good to see some new people, I don’t know any of them, looking forward to what they’ve got for us.
Exactly my thoughts on this!!