Audio Club: Red Dawn

Paul. He was so over the top, I swear I could hear a moustache twirling. My eyes rolled so far I felt like The Undertaker.


I assumed that is who you meant. I can see what you mean but I didn’t feel it was all that bad. Maybe next to measured performances like Davison’s and the actors playing the Ice Warriors it stands out more.

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I think it was how quick the turn was. He was pleasant until right before the Ice Warrior turned up at their shuttle, then out of nowhere he went full bond villain.

It could be a possible disconnect on my end because I was really enjoying the story up to that point.

It’s a shame because the actor is rather good in Bernice Summerfield.


Listen to it yesterday and yeah it was alright.
I think there are some really nice moments thrown in and some ideas, but really there is not much to do. Never been too big on the Ice Warriors, cool concept and look but beside that? Most stories dont do much with them, the only Ice Warriors Stories I really like is like the Curse of Peladon (Seeds of Death is enjoyable but I have to give it a rewatch if i like it as much as Curse (doubt it) and Empress of Mars is pretty fine too I guess).

I will say the same with most of the very early plays, it’s at best pretty unremarkable, at worst a bit dull. I do think it’s a fun story and an improvement over some other early ones, but it’s clear that BF still needed to experiment and see what works and what doesn’t. Although, if I am not mistaken this is like the first with a classic monster and for choosing the ice warriors out of every monster they could have, that I respect. I will also say the sound design is a bit better too, so that’s a win! Overall solid, I think I am more favorable for it since it’s quite short, which honestly helps this one quite a lot.
Pretty big on the cliffhanger of the first episode, too!


This was the second with a classic monster. The Genocide Machine with the Daleks was the month before. Though the Ice Warriors are an interesting choice to feature before the Cybermen.


Oh right! Totally forgot that this one was before, thanks for correcting me!


This one got off to a very slow start and I was beginning to think it would be the first “dud” of the range, but it got better once the Ice Warriors showed up. (Not a spoiler since it was obvious from the title alone that they were going to be in it!)

Personally I have a soft spot for the Ice Warriors because they have a well-defined culture, individual personalities and understandable motivations rather than just being intrinsically evil. I loved the way the Doctor used his understanding of their culture to defuse the situation and arrive at a resolution.

I also liked the twist at the end leading to Paul getting his comeuppance after all when it looked like he was going to get away, but it was sad as well that such a noble sacrifice had to be made to achieve it, as Lord Zzaal had been portrayed as such a sympathetic character.