Audio Club: Red Dawn

The next Main Range episode for the Audio Club is Red Dawn.

Buy it online using the link above, or listen for free - you’ll find links where to listen free on the story page .

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More clunky descriptive dialogue here. Not terrible just really average & dull. Nothing else to say about it really apart from the score, has a nice 80s feel at times.


I agree with @monkeyshaver on this one. As I said in my Goodreads review: “there’s also a lot of the general space mission stuff and technobable, which is fine if that’s your thing. There are also a lot of discussions on honor, that while they flesh out the character of the main Ice Warrior, they also slow down the story a bit.” We’ll see if have anything more to add as I listen to this one.


It’s not a bad story, @monkeyshaver is right that there is a surplus of descriptive dialogue. It just doesn’t stand out and it seems a bit bland. There is so much to do with the Ice Warriors yet new stories does tend to lack originality.
And then it does kind of feel like Peter Davison and Nicola Bryant merely are going through the motions, their portrayals kind of lack their usual spark - could be the result of a script that doesn’t really provide a set-up for artistic flourishes.

I like the 5th Doctor and Peri together, though I find she works a whole lot better with the 6th Doctor.

I have this thing though that for every extra adventure Peri and the 5th Doctor have together, it lessens the impact of the Doctor’s choice to give Peri the Bat’s milk in The Caves of Androzani, I think the regeneration carries more weight when he sacrifices himself for someone he only had a fleeting relationship with and not a lengthy friendship cemented through countless adventures. (But that’s a minor issue and honestly I wouldn’t miss out on the gloriousness when Erimem joins the TARDIS team later on)

I gave it a 2/5 :star: or a 4/10 in the new system :blush:


I listened to the first two parts on the way into work this morning. I have a bit of a soft spot for this one tbh. Not sure why. I just find a lot of charm in the Five/Peri team (even more so once Erimem joins the two and it turns into a single dad minding his two precocious daughters) and I just think it’s a fun little “turn your brain off and vibe” story.


I agree with @fingersmash It might not be the strongest story but it is a fun one that I enjoyed.


I must confess that I fell asleep somewhere during episode 3 or 4. But that is probably because of a bad night before and not because of the story. Will relisten to the last episode.


I didn’t remember anything about this before my relisten, but I can confidently say that I’m not a fan of this one. It’s very slow and clunkily written; the characters are boring, and they did nothing interesting with the Ice Warriors, considering this is their BF debut. The music and sound design are very amateurish as well. Davison and Bryant don’t bring any energy to this one either, and the plot never turns interesting. This is a 4/10 for me.


Apparently, I only missed half an episode when I fell asleep. I also feel like it was a bit boring with uninteresting characters and a boring threat.



Ah yes, another one I couldn’t remember with a return of classic dodgy BF accents. But it’s no wonder I don’t remember this one because it’s utterly unremarkable. Unfortunately it fails to hop over my very lowest bar for enjoying a DW episode and decides to be thoroughly boring.

I think unfortunately early BF Fivey episodes just aren’t for me. Skimming through the first 50 or so, the only ones I actually remember having any opinion on are Omega (because it’s good) and Nekromanteia (because it’s not good)


Finished and slept on it. It’s just a fine story. That’s all I really have to say about it. Accents are dodgy, I wish they did more with the Earth Warrior twist. I honestly think there’s some cool stories to be told in the Whoniverse with the idea of Super Soldiers and it’s honestly surprising they don’t do more with the idea


There, started this one today and am most of the way through Part 2. It’s not terrible, just slow and a little boring. It feels rather traditional in that for the first episode, it feels like two different stories with the Doctor and Peri almost taking a back seat. I did like the mention of Peri’s botany background. If you like NASA space missions, then you might more mileage out of this. I do like the idea of corporate-sponsored space flight. That’s a rather long reprise into Episode 2. I like that this story is more cerebral, more dialogue-heavy and less action-oriented. When did the Martians become more honorable and samurai-like? I remember them being more viking-based to begin with. Also, I like the name-drop of the Mars Probe missions from Ambassadors of Death. That’s how you do references/fan-service. Subtle, not heavy-handed. Worldbuilding, not references for reference sake.


Looking at the cast list and noticed that there are five different Ice Warriors/Ice Lord credited in this and none of them are played by Nick Briggs.


WIth Jason Haigh-Ellery and Gary Russell being two of them.

This paragraph at the start of the TARDIS wiki entry for the story is a bit snarky about it:

Though Ice Warrior stories were not uncommon at Big Finish following this initial adventure, Red Dawn proved interesting retrospectively because Nicholas Briggs — later the dominant 21st-century voice of the Ice Warriors — was not at all involved in the production. Matthew Brehner’s Zzaal ultimately became a counterpoint to Briggs’ several Martian characters, both on audio and television. Indeed, producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Gary Russell gave voice to the subordinate Ice Warriors, further distancing this story’s Ice Warrior’s vocal palette from the later Briggsian norm.


This audio has quite the cast all told. As well as Georgia Moffet, it also has a pre-Frobisher (but post-Battlefield, of course) Robert Jezek and the voice of Jason Kane, Stephen Fewell.


I enjoy Frobisher, but don’t care for the other characters Jezek has played for Big Finish.

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There, I finished it. It is a good story, if slow to begin with. The last half is what elevates it. I like the super-soldier idea, the “Earth Warriors”. Paul Webster is an interesting villain. I liked the delve into Ice Warrior culture and history. Unfortunately, this is one that doesn’t stick as well in the memory as some. Anyway, now we can move on to another Six/Evelyn story. Can’t wait!


I’m posting without finishing the story because honestly I don’t think the ending matters all that much. Was this Peri’s first story back? Not exactly a tremendous return, and as someone mentioned above, both Davison and Bryant are very much doing this by rote. It’s not helped by your classic “space crew full of bad accents” (copyright Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis, I think) who have almost no character qualities that manage to stick to them. Oh, apart from the evil capitalist who wants to use alien technology to his own end. Novel.

The best bits of this for me are the Ice Warriors - I’ve always been very interested in them (and for some reason I have a very soft spot for any honorable race/times that the honor of old soldiers lines up with a noble alien race [thinking of Empress of Mars and Storm Warning, quite vividly. I still tear up when EDITED OUT SPOILER FOR STORM WARNING BAD BOY]) and this does a good job of fleshing them out. I’m always also fascinated at how bedded into the Ice Warrior culture that The Doctor is - presumably this comes from his time on Peladon in his third incarnation. Also fitting that one of the most militaristic and honorable Doctors aligns closely with, frankly, one of the more sympathetic “Evil Alien Races.” I like them every time they show up, because every time they do show up we get an interesting alien culture. Now, are they Doctor Who’s answer to Klingons? Absolutely, but they’re necessary. It’s a shame that they’re really not used very well here, because honestly, not a lot of it is.

In the end, this story’s crime is only being boring. I drifted off very easily through a lot of the dialog - the voice performances don’t have a lot of modulation or intonation, so the whole thing comes off as a very flat listen, and the ideas that sit at the heart of the story are just not particularly exciting or interesting. This one’s getting a pretty firm 1.5 stars from me.

PS - thank god someone mentioned upthread that one of the generic space crew is played by Frobisher’s voice actor and saving me the trouble of looking it up. He really does have one American accent, doesn’t he?

PPS - I went back and just finished Episode Four and I actually might bump it up half a star. Maybe? The ending is still very muddled, and the Ice Warrior/Human hybrid idea, though nicely seeded, is still under-baked. But there’s something, something rather charming and special about the way The Doctor congratulates Commander Sarl(??) on his commitment to co-operation, even going so far as to say that he would be given the highest Ice Warrior honor for his efforts. It folds back into why I like this, and why I like the Ice Warriors - whenever they show up, it gives The Doctor the chance to be a diplomat, and given Five has a lot of diplomat energy, those last few heartfelt interactions where two parties are determined to avoid bloodshed manage to highlight parts of his character that go unnoticed in an otherwise unremarkable episode. 2/5, and that’s really only on the back of my scaly, heavy-breathing boys.

PPPS - what a horrible bloody cover though.


Welcome. I found this story picked up in the second half, but yeah the first episode is rather slow. This is Nicola’s first story back with Davison, she had previously returned with Colin in Whispers of Terror (MR #3). And, as for Jezek’s American accent, it’s even worse in Minuet in Hell (MR #19).


Oh they really should have left him playing Frobisher. Can’t wait to get to the accents in Minuet tbh.

Speaking of dodgy voices though, Lanyon Moor next week has a cracker also.