To be honest, my Opinion on this will probably differ since I was quite aware of her before I fully tipped my toes into her first appearances and her appearances in general. I was curious mainly and having watched it, I was pretty unsure what to think since she doesn’t have too much time in the Role itself, although I did love the whole Scene with her and Jodie interacting already at my first viewing.
For a long while I had massive Issues with Pre-Hartnell Incarnations in general, now I feel more neutral about it. I will say I don’t like that Fugitive is a Pre-Hartnell Doctor (I would have originally put her around Season 6B honestly, since she does give off a similar vibe as the very early classic Doctors to a certain extent). For me, you could do Pre-Hartnell Incarnations very well, as long it’s remembered that those shouldn’t act too much like the Doctor we know nowadays. Does that make sense? Well, I hope so, it does. Overall, my Judgement on it is pretty neutral, I guess?
Well, while I am not massive on her being a Pre-Hartnell One, I really enjoy her Characterisation for the most part, I really need to see/listen more from her, since I am not sure what’s her deal is overall with the rather limited screentime.
I am cautiously hopeful, love Jo Martin, glad she is getting to BF, hoping it will be a better first outing than Beyond the War Games. I do hope they go in a different Route and make her distinct as the Doctor.
Overall, big Fan of Jo Martin, excited to see how her Doctor continues in the Future!
Although I’d agree with what @deltaandthebannermen said, while I do love Jo Martin and think she has such a screen presence, her Doctor is a very different one compared to Jodie.