Your Favs of 80's Who

Why? Not disagreeing. There’s much I enjoy (though I can see the problems). I’m just curious. What is it about S22 that you love? What are your highlights and why?



I really like the vibe of every story (except for you, Timelash). And while I do agree that we needed to tone down the Sixth Doctor’s behavior, I also do miss that side of him a bit. One of my problems with the most recent season of his in audio (Hebe’s) is that he is sympathetic towards a character when I just wish he wasn’t. Or at least not in these terms.

The 40-50 minutes two-parter long format actually works well for Classic when it still feels like classic. It works really well to establish the atmosphere of these stories, there is no cliffhanger interrupting it for no reason. Or, more reasonably, there is only one cliffhanger, which is easier to write without losing steam or sounding stupid (see: that horrendous “The Doctor is dead, Tegan!” one in Warriors of the Deep). And I actually really like the visuals most of the season (not you, Timelash).

I do think the biggest problem in the season is the relationship between the Doctor and Peri, even if we do have some sweeter moments (she running after him in The Mark of the Rani or their talk in the first part of Revelation of the Daleks when he pops her nose). Peri is noticeable afraid to death of the Doctor a lot of the season.

I can’t act like I have an unbiased opinion about that tho because I haven’t: I have gone through plenty of Peri’s stories in the expanded universed and I appreciate the bigger picture a lot. It’s one step in an long, loooooong relationship and I do think we had good things coming out of this since then. You can feel their dynamic changing to something healthier during The Lost Stories series one, for example. But looking at season 22 by itself, it can be discomfortable to watch at times.

I love the villains. Ok, I love the villains but Sil. He is too insufferable. And his part in Vengeance on Varos is the best he has to offer, it only gets worse and worse after this. The Rani do iffy me a bit but it’s 100% personal, it’s just that I wished her stories actually did anything interesting with chemistry. Anyway. She is great! And this is one of the few stories with the Tremas Master I like too.

I also get why some people gets annoyed by the multi Doctor TM story being so silly/stupid, missed oportunity and all of that, but honestly I find it endearing. It’s the classic who equivalent of Year of the Pig for me. I get why someone might dislike Year of the Pig. I love it tho.


I think you make some excellent points. I’m not convinced by the pacing if some of the season 22 stories, but they were experimenting with the 45-50 min format, which onviously is the standard today. It can work and that potential is visible in S22.

I broadly agree about the Doctor/Peri relationship. We get what they were aiming for, but it’s sometimes painful to watch in S22. Colin is fantastic, though, and really deserved a better and longer run than he got.

Timelash is the poor cousin of the season, though it does have elements I like. It was the story that suffered mist from budgetary constraints, with more money being lavished elsewhere in the season. Moreover, Glen McCoy really needed a more DW script editor than Saward. There is a way Timelash could have been developed that would have led to a much more charming and less problematic story. I just don’t think Saward was the man for the job.


The Rani is frustrating because O’Mara is great in the role, clearly relishing the opportunity. The concept of amoral rather than evil is rich for exploration. Nonetheless, neither of her outings really do her justice. The character in our heads (and of O’Mara’s performance) is far better than the way she is written.


I’m glad they went for the 45 minute format for s22. I don’t like how DW breaks up the serials into a million pieces; it makes the show drag more. With two 45-minute blocks, the episodes get to the point, which I appreciate. It’s the same reason why I’d rather watch New Who. There may be some boring episodes, but they don’t drag.

Sil should’ve stayed in VoV and left it at that. The few audios he’s in, I did not particularly enjoy. His shtick works well the first time, but he is not the sort of villain I would want to be reoccurring.


Oh, I think Sil is wonderful. Given the right story, he’s got huge potential (especially in today’s consumption driven, corporate dominated, fake news world. There’s a story to be told and it could be a corker!