Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
View today’s Whodle
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I had no idea so I guessed randomly and… got it in one!!!
Took me 3 Thought the second clip was The Doctor’s Wife
Got it in five? I swear I’ll rewatch 11 someday…
Got it in 3 Initially after the second clue I thought it would be The Doctor’s Wife, but the 3rd clue sealed the deal. Series 7B peak.
I got Sunday’s Whodle in 2 guesses! Can you?
7b isnt peak lol
Well, five. It’s very late, and my head is elsewhere, but it’s not a very good result.
Three, not so keen on this one
No. See above.
Four. Thought a typewriter in the first, wrong 11th Doctor era pocket universe, wrong Clara episode, then I recognized the other lady’s voice.
took four, kept guessing the wrong thing with the right context
Got it in one… Apparently I have a discerning ear for ominous droning sounds. Who’d have thought
Got it in 2. I was one episode off with Cold War on 1.
Four for me. I quite like the episode but haven’t seen it in a very long time. Definitely due a rewatch.
In five! easy enough to narrow down the era after a bit, but I still had no idea until he said it
I only got it on the third try because Clara was in it.
In three. Went for Doctor’s wife on two. Not a fan of this season.
Three today!
In three today! I enjoy this episode.