Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
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In one. It’s certainly one of the episodes of all time.
Two today. Remembered the shot in the first but not the episode
In three. Mixed up the first shot with a different episode, then was still more thinking of the first shot for the second guess.
In two. I thought it was ‘End of Time’
two. the second is a total giveaway.
i also thought end of time for a second because of the food truck in there, but it the bars at top and bottom indicate that it’s s11 onwards
In one!total guess though, I just went with a thirteen episode set in the present
In two
I can’t even remember that food truck…
Two for me. And thus the streak of six comes to an end. Ah well. It was fun while it lasted!
This story is one that I find grows on me with every rewatch.
Three. I went End of Time then Resolution. I really don’t like this one
It took me four! I was sure it was The Woman Who Fell to Earth at first, because the food truck made me think of the guy who throws salad at Tim Shaw. And I remembered number 3 being from Resolution, but then I realised it was Revolution of the Daleks from the prison shot in number 4.
- I don’t know how but I worked it out, or maybe unconsciously I remembered more than I realised
Boom! (not the episode title) I got it on one! I’d know that burger van anywhere.
One today! Helps that it was one of the last episodes I watched! That burger van though, it gave me serious End of Time flashbacks. It was a Coll scene, but it didn’t make much sense.
In two, I remembered the scene from one but thought it was a related story, not that one
In three! I’m a fake fan bro I thought the food stall was genuinely from that scene where Saxon eats people. Then I saw Yaz and thought this was part of Flux or Spyfall but like after seeing what it actually was I remembered that scene perfectly ughhh
Got it in one!
In three because I absolutely could picture the episode but could not remember which one it was!