Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
View today’s Whodle
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In 2 But I’m kicking myself now. A long timeskip immediately made me think of the pandorica but that was just an impulse I should’ve sat on longer gah
In three, Kate’s red nails gave it for me
four. slightly shameful, for an episode/season i liked so much.
Got it in 3. For the first one, I could think of several episodes with time gaps. Second one, the roof was reminding me of Devil’s Chord. But the QR code was a give away on 3.
In 2. The time jump plus impact looking font made me think Survivors of the Flux. The first two thirds of this story is quite good.
In 2! I thought of The Girl in the Fireplace at first, but then the sniper combined with the time jump and the aspect ratio gave it away.
Oh gosh, it’s only one of my modern favourites!
Yes, love this one.
Got it in one.
Six in a row. Definitely my best run yet. You watch, though. It’ll all come tumbling down tomorrow!
In one
only story I could think of with such a time jump paired with such a bold font
In 2! I knew when I saw the sniper, that scene gives me chills. One of the best episodes of that season.
In 2 today! Thought it was Resolution, but the sniper gave it away instantly!
In one! First thing I thought of with a long time jump
In 2. Thought it was Chibnall era at first but as soon as I saw the sniper I remembered the scene
I hate the ones where it’s ‘X years later’ as I can never remember. Thankfully the sniper was pretty memorable! In two!!
In one! I can’t think of any other episodes that jump that much time, normally it’s either <10 or >100
In 2. I probably could have got it in one if I’d thought a little bit harder about it, but I’m satisfied with 2.
Back at Whodle, and I got this one in two! Initially guessed Spyfall Part 2 for the timejump…
In three. I thought it was about
The flux and then the sham town with the Kingerfish
In two That street is fairly memorable, also unrelated but that final shot is beautiful
Got it in two.