Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
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Handles kinda stuttered and posted twice, so I deleted one of them.
My friend who I always show these to and always goes ‘I’ll never know the answer’ swore blind this was from an episode with a scene where we flashed back to Rory as a kid and Brian. Forbidden secret scene I guess. Anyway this took me three (friend was of no use)
In five. I hate it when this game starts doing Matt Smith episodes, because I often have trouble remembering the memorable stuff, let alone the obscure stuff.
In five today. Thought Praxeus, then dinosaurs and then both parts of Series 5 Silurians. Lucked out on final guess.
In two today.
In 17 this time. I mean, sheesh, even after knowing what it is, most of those snaps still don’t look familiar. The last one does now, but it was dark enough that I couldn’t make it out at first blush and completely misunderstood what I was seeing.
In 1, starting a new streak of 2. The guy’s son from the episode, easy.
Two for me. The kid in the opening shot threw me, but the second pic Eleven dissolving Ganger Amy did the job quick enough.
Two, only eleven episode that had an important role of a kid that I could remember
2, that shot is quite memorable in my opinion.
In four today, which was a complete guess.
I’d narrowed down to series 6 and then just made an educated guess. As ever series 6 just does not stick in my brain, also I kind of find this two-parter immensely boring and the dodgy effects aren’t helping…
Three today. I read the text on the door. Morpeth Jetsan is a pretty memorable name from an episode I don’t remember much of at all. Have only seen it once.
It took me all five. I guessed all over the place. Not my finest hour, but I did get there, eventually.
In 5. Got the wrong part in 3 then second guessed myself
It took me five.
Got it in three.
In five but had the right story on four. That was hard.
Got it in 2, should have been in 1 but I forgot the order of the two parts, I knew it was the second one but typed the first one. I recognise the kid. Mostly because I hate how he does that little dance it’s so cringey lol
In three Got the order of the two parter wrong on two, so should’ve been there but oh well