Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
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Got it in 5. How many episodes have had the TARDIS door open while it’s flying around?
in one. episode that’s entirely recognizable due to how mad i still am about it two years later
also, i think in this case it’s in the ocean rather than flying around. for whatever that’s worth.
All five, episode I care so little about I blacked it entirely out of my head
1 streak continues, knew the exact scene
In 2, did not recognize Di at all
Got it in 1
All her other opinions are in quite dark places I think
Got it in 4. Was completely convinced it was a 15 episode until I saw Jodie.
In one for me. I find this episode so tremendously frustrating in so very many ways, except for the scene at the end, Dan on the phone to Di, which is just lovely.
In one.
Much of that story is a mess but that phone call between Dan and Diane is just so lovely, and really sets up Dan’s departure in the next story. Plus Dan in that ridiculous pirate outfit is a lot of fun
In 5. Had no clue
Four I think I tried to just wipe this from my brain lol
Three. Let’s not talk about this story any more than we have to.
It took me all 5. I jumped round seasons 12 and 13 but couldn’t place any of the earlier images.
In one! I actually really like this story and don’t think it’s as bad as people say
Got it in one.
In 4 went all over the place this time!
Also four for me, also all over the place
Got it in Four. Have not watched this one yet