Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
View today’s Whodle
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Four, I couldn’t quite place it today
Got it in 3 I could picture the scene in my head of the first picture but that didnt help in naming the episode
Got it in two. Thought it was later in Flux than it was.
In 1, I like the episode, I even like the Atropos stuff in this episode, I like Yaz’s doctorification arc, I do not like this bit. Why is it written on her hand? Why is there a callback later in the episode to the fact that it’s written on her hand? Why not trust Professional Actress Mandip Gill to convey through acting what she’s thinking in this scene? Then when Swarm calls her on it later (a perfect chance to spell things out for those who missed it), it actually feels like he’s inside her head and not that he’s just seen her hand? Anyway, I immediately recognized this scene
Got it in two. Immediately knew that was Yaz’s hand, but was wrong about which episode. The map with the AU country name on it told me exactly which episode it was, though.
Two for me, for the same reasons as @SweetAIBelle. I went for Survivors of the Flux first.
Got it in 1. Knew it was flux immediately but had to think about the part. Such a wierd moment, feels like a very late addition to the episode.
Four. Bounced all over Flux and the specials before getting it.
Two, also thought it was later in Flux at first
In 3. Knew the series but got the episode wrong twice
In two. Pure luck though. Only have a vague impression it’s S13
It took me four. I landed on the right season, but bounced about a bit.
In two, I thought that moment was in Once, Upon Time at first
In three. Ah well.
In four today.
Got it in 3. I was very confused about where in the series it was.
In one
Dan Lewis with a Wok!
Love this episode
Took me four, but all my guesses were Flux.