Name that Doctor Who Episode!
New Who only, 5 scenes to guess the episode!
View today’s Whodle
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BUMS didn’t get it!! I love this episode too, I watched it p recently
Got it in 2! Knew it was from early series 8 immediately, but couldnt quite pinpoint it.
I didn’t get this at all, despite it being ostensibly one of my favourite episodes. Absolutely time to revisit this period of the show.
Capaldi has a built in buff because you can really pinpoint the season via how long his hair is. Same thing with Jon Pertwee actually.
Didn’t get it either. First time I’ve not got a Whodle. I enjoy this story but not a single pic resonated with me this time.
Got it in 2. (Because the Doctor was using the phone on the TARDIS…)
Didn’t get it at all today
Didn’t get it and I suspect we’re in for a pattern of images again.
It took me four. I spent three of them trying to fit it into season 10, despite Capaldi’s short hair, which should have been a clue, really.
In two, but I almost put the right answer on one
Got it in one. I can see that scene in my head.
In one! A lucky guess though.
Five! Knew it was s8 but entirely guesses before no. 5
Got it in three. It was pretty obviously a twelfth doctor episode, and from the length of his hair it wasn’t a later one. Other than that, it was random guessing.
Got in 2. I thought the 1st image was him checking out a message one of the students wrote in the Caretaker. Immediately recognized the 2nd
Got this in four.
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