Today has been a rollercoaster. I finally got around to dying my hair, but the colour didn’t come out as advertised. I got a big finish gift card, but the website ate it without giving me the audios I wanted (I contacted the sales email, still waiting on a reply). I spent a very frustrating half hour on various YouTube to MP3 websites before finally giving in an installing an app. But that’s where the bad things end! My favourite album which has disappeared from the internet for months is back and available to stream again, but I’m not taking any chances; I downloaded it, and I’m still waiting for them to get a new stock of CDs so I can own it physically, too. I also found out my iPod has a lot more space than I originally thought, and it might actually become my full-time music player now.
I’ve had a couple of days off, and today is my last one before a 4 days stretch of 12-hour days. I managed to get my bathroom and kitchen cleaned today. Feels good to actually have it all clean.
Now to pack my suitcase ready for a 6am train ride.
Rollercoaster is right! Eventful day!
Last one? So…no time to clean my kitchen and bathroom, then? Bummer.
Well, I could, but you’d have to cover my salary.
PS. Outfits are extra.
happy halloween everyone!! love from your favourite vampire (me!!) <3
I had fun freaking everyone out with my contacts today hehe
Awesome costume!
I didn’t do anything for Halloween just did some chores around the house, some computer help for a relative, some work on the website and watched some Rings of Power.
But tomorrow a friend is coming over and we are going for a run together, should improve my mood!
I’ve bought one small bag of candy for Halloween, but that’s the one thing I’m doing. I know that either no one comes trick-or-treating to my apartment normally, or maybe one group. Hopefully this year isn’t the exception.
Today I’m stuck looking after my grandad during peak trick or treating hours, so I won’t be giving out any sweats. Something seems to happen every year so I can’t do it!
We usually buy sweets just in case, but end up eating them all ourselves. This year we didn’t even buy them (trying to be good), and not heard a peep!
We had lots of kids coming to our house today, I couldn’t sit down for longer than two minutes all afternoon
I had a very easy mad scientist costume (just a lab coat, make up and fake blood), but some of the houses in my neighborhood did really elaborate decorations! It’s crazy how much Halloween changed around here, when I was little we were very nearly the only kids going and many houses didn’t have sweets prepared, let alone decorations
yayyyy vampire club!!!
Midnight, and no trick or treaters showed up, so if any show up at this point, they are officially not getting candy, since it’s no longer Halloween…
We did nothing for Halloween, but it’s not a very big deal in Finland (and usually celebrated during the weekend anyway). We had someone behind our door trick or treating twice—the first time while I was on my way home from work and my wife was home alone in nothing but her pyjamas. She opened the door believing it was me (why would I have rung the doorbell to my own home?) and was embarrassed to find herself face-to-face with children dressed up as monsters
The second time was a couple of hours later. We didn’t open because we had no sweets at home (we always forget), so we had nothing to offer them.
Trick or treating is big in the us, but I’m in an apartment complex, and I think people don’t hit up apartments nearly as much as houses. Not to mention mine is a little tucked away in the complex anyways.
Of course, I’ve lived in apartment complexes long enough at this point that trick or treating could very well be less popular then it was…
Trick and treating wasn’t really a thing in the UK till a few years ago when supermarkets realised Halloween was a good money-spinner for between the summer and Christmas and suddenly we’re copying the US again.
I actually think it’s pretty iffy getting kids to go knocking on strangers doors begging for sweets but I know I’m in a minority and sound like a grumpy old man. It was fairly amusing seeing parents trudging round behind their offspring last night, desperately searching for houses with pumpkins out (which is apparently how you tell people you’re open for business nowadays).
A few years ago!
Maybe you’re showing your age but I definitely went trick or treating when I was a child! That’s at least 30 years ago lol
It was there but it wasn’t the commercial thing it is now with buckets and decorations and pumpkins etc. But growing up we didn’t mark the occasion anyway as we are Christian family. In fact, my youngest did it for the first time last night when she went to a friend’s house. She’s nearly 13.
Are you calling me a heathen