What's Made or Not Made Your Day?

Looks fantastic! I’m gonna do some research see if they do some in other parts of the country. Will recommend to my bro & family. Maybe I will take part!


Today was Yom Kippur, and it went really well for me in multiple ways. I had a surprisingly easy fast (with water, I never stop drinking during a fast for my own health), and made really good pasta to break the fast with.

I also told myself I would do absolutely no work today, and that includes no thinking about work. Every time I started worrying about all the things I “should” be doing I reminded myself what day it is and immediately stopped that train of thought. I feel properly rested for the first time in ages. I can’t remember the last time I had a proper day off like this. One of the problems with being self-employed, I suppose.


I signed up for a minority group online meeting. Ten or so people. It starts in a minute or two. Ahhh… So nervous now :melting_face:

Talking about my identity in my mother tongue has been difficult

And the fact that they are all cis guys makes me more nervous. Not sure I wanna say anything…

UPDATE: Not good. The discussion revolved around how they found out they like guys. And no, I don’t feel that. I’ve got something more complicated lol


I’ve been having just a very stressful week all round. I’m a freelancer writer and I ghostwrite books at the minute basically so I can pay for school, but I missed a deadline for that and fortunately the people who pay me are very nice and have forgiven me but I need need to finish it. Meanwhile we’ve hit the point at school where we can see the end so everyone’s stressed and done with it and tensions are high and it’s just not making for a very nice daily environment, so that feels like it’s all stacking on top of me.

Plus I have a big, big practical exam for school on Thursday (which if I pass, I’ll be totally certificated as an airframe mechanic :tada:) but I really don’t feel prepared for it and I’ve had like three stress dreams about it this week, and stressing about that is filling up my head so much that I can’t write, which means I’m stressing about my book… loop ad nauseum.

Plus plus my dear friend who I live with has been ill this week and stressed with their school as they are a teacher, and we’ve both been down in the dumps which is affecting us both. And I had to drive them to the airport on Friday and pick them up late today, which always sucks.

But in good news, I had another lovely friend over this weekend (my Romana <3), and I took today off from school and we went apple picking and ate doughnuts and watched Dr Who and generally had a lovely time. Which is just what I’ve needed lately


Every year I get excited for October - being the beginning of cooler weather and hosting some events I always enjoy such as a three day long con and a RHPS performance - and every year I am reminded anew just how busy and stressful this month is. This year has been especially bad; I already took on way more than I can handle this entire year, and October is still the most stressful month, except not it’s on steroids. I feel like I’m constantly working and barely making any progress. I can’t believe it’s only the 15th. I just pulled an all-nighter for the first time in years to try and make a dent in my backlog and I did so much but there’s still so much more left to do.

On the bright side, I’m meeting a friend I haven’t seen in ages today, and we’re gonna get soft pretzels and bubble tea. Then, hopefully I can find a spare hour or two tomorrow to finally cut and dye my hair again.


Getting back into my writing. Read what I’ve got so far this evening and now that I’m up to speed, I can keep going.


I finished my Dark Eyes relisten just now. It wasn’t as great as I remembered but still quite good. I’d do another relisten in another five years.

And Uncharted 1 released tody! :tada: Too bad I can’t listen to that tonight… Gotta prepare for the discussion about my dissertation ideas with Ms. Liu tomorrow morning. She asked me what papers on the topic have I read and I said I’ll give her the list tonight. The list I don’t have. The list I’m gonna pull outta thin air an hour later when I get back to school. Oh gosh…


Got a dentist appointment in the morning to get a permanant crown put on a molar I chipped back at the end of August. Hoping everything goes well.


My parents both tested positive for covid, and while they’re not very sick, it’s majorly disrupted my plans. I’d hoped to relax at their place before the new semester starts, but because of this I’ll have to stay the whole week at uni, since I don’t want to get sick and they’re not very good at doing social distancing in the house. I also have to do an hour long journey if I want to see my friends from school this way.

Also going to get my hair cut in a bit, but I’m not sure how I want it. I’d considered doing a Tegan cosplay for Time lash, and wanted to do my hair like that, but frankly I think it’s going to be too cold for that outfit. I’ve also been kind of dysphoric lately and am craving a more masculine haircut again, so I might do that.


Dentist went fine. In and out in half an hour. Now just waiting for the numbing to wear off.


Waiwing faw duh nubbine doo weah ovv?

Yeah, been there.

At my COVID booster appointment myself. Just waiting. No numbing.


I passed my big exam today :slight_smile: :airplane:


Congratulations :tada::blush:


One less thing to stress over! Yay!


Nice. Congratulations :tada:


Thank you all :blush: I’ve been freaking out about this for ages, I’m glad it’s over! I’m now a fully certified airframe mechanic :hammer_and_wrench:


Wow! Congratulations! Airframe mechanic sounds like a cool title, and it’s something I’d never be able to pull off myself! I’m happy that others can do that!


I wouldn’t be able to pull it off either. I am a certified airhead, but that’s as close as I’ll ever come.


Getting my Sonos to discover my music folder. Relatively simple work around but a pain when it used to be automatic.


I called my friend when he was discussing a project with some classmates. Thought he told me to hang up for a bit so he could finish the discussion, so I hang up and played some game.

He actually said that I could keep the line open and see what he usually works on. :melting_face:

My dysphoria becomes more prominent when I’m with him. It seems easier to talk with him about all that than with counselors in my school. So it becomes easier for my mind to go that way when I’m on phone with him, even when I just want to hang out for a bit. :face_exhaling:

I really need to stop doing this…