What's Made or Not Made Your Day?

Happy pre-Birthday then, I guess. Stay away from trampolines.

Sounds like your b-day is about a week before mine. I’m on a Friday this year, which is always extra spooky.


Shayleen - hope you feel better. I was about to hit the “hug” emoji, but I was afraid of hurting your back any worse.


Earned a badge today. After the initial flurry in the early going, I now find myself surprised when I do something to earn a new one, so it’s always a treat. This time around, the site is threatening to beat me with a TV Club or something, but it’s still nice.


My dog got bit by something in our backyard and my parents and my youngest brother are taking him to the vet. I’m a bit shaky from it and hope that he’ll be okay.


He’s fine but in a lot of pain. He’s wearing a (soft) cone to protect the stitches. It was apparently a coyote which we get in our neighborhood occasionally.


My friend’s boy (a 2-year-old) caught cold and has been having low fever since Monday. It’s kinda common in his age but it worries me nonetheless.


It’s my wife’s birthday today!

She’s at work, but I have a day off to prepare dinner for her when she’s back. She picked her favourite menu: crayfish soup and chocolate pannacotta! And she’ll get some of her favourite flowers and sparkling wine as well!

Oh, and we’ve been breaking records here in Finland today. It’s 28°C today, and this is the warmest day in September we’ve had for decades. I had already prepared mentally for autumn to arrive, and now it’s suddenly very hot again.


Me enjoying 36℃ in Guangzhou: ?What do you mean by hot again


Well, temperatures around 12-17°C during the day are common in September over here, so this heat wave is exceptional. It’s nothing to what others are experiencing, though. I heard that some places have to deal with temperatures closer to 50°C!


Memo to self: get to Finland ASAP for crafish soup.

Oh and Happy Birthday to Mrs. MrColdStream.


Many happy returns to Mrs coldstream from a random person called monkeyshaver on a doctor who forum :joy:


I prepared plenty! There might still be something left if you hurry up :wink:

Thanks for the congratulations! I’ll pass them on to my Mrs, who will surely feel very happy to be remembered by strangers on the internet (I’ll tell them that you’re all very lovely people) :partying_face:


Gradually came to the realisation this morning that I f*cked up big time with my credits for internship. It’s all with the system that my uni is using for managing students’ internship and their reports and stuff, which I should have logged in and recorded everything when I got that non-paid part-time position in that high school. So all I did last semester can’t get me the credits and I’ll have to go through it again. The only good thing is that they are letting me to do my internship in that high school, so at least I don’t need a rushed job hunt now.

I already got to prepare for the graduate school entrance exam, my dissertation and a part-time job (to pay for HRT and hopefully save for top surgery). I don’t know how to do it. I don’t think I ever did. To be a regular 20-something. I still feel like a kid only starting puberty 6 months ago, which is true physiologically, and that doesn’t help…


I’ve been helping a new store streamline their process to make it easier to hit targets. I got a nice phone call from the Area Manager, and then another from the Regional Manager.

Also, I have a week off. Finally, I can get back to consuming Doctor Who stuff. It has been a month since I listened or watched anything DW related.


I decided this autumn’s theme should be courage and I need to do more things that scare me but really shouldn’t, things that I feel others can do but I somehow couldn’t.

So I pushed myself to book that boxing class I always kinda want to take but was too afraid to. And it turned out amazing. It is somewhat expensive but definitely worth it. I’m looking at my schedule for the next two weeks to see how to squeeze in a class…


Do I listen to too much Big Finish… :sweat_smile: (feeling p accomplished by this though hehe)


No. No you do not. It’s not your fault that they have produced so much, and like pokemon, we’ve got to catch them all.


Perhaps one day it will be possible to listen to it all… we can dream :rofl:


Interesting day. Watched some DW this morning, had a nap this afternoon. I was awoken by a dog barking. This is unusual as the flats I live in have a no pet policy. There was a dog in the back ‘garden’ trying to dig up rocks. Went down to have a look, and he had a lead on. Went to the street to see if someone was looking for a lost dog. To no avail. Took him to a vet to check his chip and there wasn’t one. They basically said it was my problem. Had to walk 5 miles to a local Pet Hospital for them to take him. That’s 5 hours gone from my first day off.

PS. My flat now smells of dog.


Took our eldest and five of their friends to Phantom Peak for their 16th birthday. Great afternoon (although keeping track of teenagers is like herding cats). Has anyone else been?