What's Made or Not Made Your Day?

I hope the investigation can be conclusion one way or the other, but this certainly has put a dampener on the day :((


I’m fully gonna bawl if this ends up being true :sob::sob:


Yeah, this isn’t fun. I have always liked Gaiman’s work for Who and outside of it, as he has such a distinct, entertaining style. I hope the allegations are false, but these cases are always complex, and either way, the accused’s careers and reputations tend to suffer.


I have now rated every TV episode of the main show and all four spin-offs!!!

Just need to watch the BBV and Realtime stuff but that is another story…


That’s quite impressive! How long did it take you to watch it all?


I did most of it during my parental leave last year. I had a lot of time when my daughter slept. But in total I think about 1 - 1.5 years.


I nearly fainted at the supermarket. I’ve always been prone to dehydration but lately I’ve become more sensitive to heat exhaustion too. Thankfully I know what to do in these situations (lay on the cold floor with your legs up and drink slowly, ideally something with electrolytes) but it’s still annoying, especially since I try to find somewhere out of the way to lie down and those areas are usually staff only.


Dad insisted that I cut his hair and I just did. It was so frustrating. I have absolutely zero skill and theory only enough to tell my barber how I’d like mine. Of course I did a terrible job and it looks horrible. The worst part is he keeps encouraging me and telling me it’s ok… And now he’s pretty happy with the results. I’m so confused.


Waking up to a a new government here in UK. Seeing the decimation of the Tories & record breaking gains for the Lib Dems. Cautiously optimistic about the future.


Whilst Labour aren’t perfect by any means (they have moved to the right a lot recently), it’s a lot better than the Tory mess we’ve had for over a decade, so I’m pleased.

But gutted that we missed the chance to have the Lib Dems as official opposition and shut the Tories up for a generation :pensive:


I’m not political by any stretch of the imagination but I am extremely happy that the Conservatives are out and by such a landslide. They spent the last however many years lying, cheating and generally being disgusting people. There are sadly some good ones in the party - our local MP was Conservative and seemed like a good person who worked hard for our area but I couldn’t vote for him because of what his party represents. Lib Dems are back in round here (which is an historically Lib Dem area anyway so wasn’t a huge surprise.)


Working at home so watching it on tv. Now all the performative nonsense with current PM going to see the King, “Sir may I tender my resignation as your PM” :roll_eyes:


That speech - ‘I have heard your anger, your disappointment…’ No, you haven’t otherwise you wouldn’t have done half the things you were doing. :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



God the mythmaking & cap doffing by the reporters to the monarchy during a time when the people have exercised their democratic right. Can they not see the hypocrisy! 100% doublethink.


It’ll be interesting to see how the next 5 years turn out personally considering I grew up under the tories and was too young to remember Gordon Brown’s time as PM. Though I can’t help but think most of the problems caused by austerity won’t be alleviated and we’ll keep spiralling onto the verge of recession. Mainly because of the state of global politics than Labour policies.

Sadly, my mother did also side with Reform, despite never reading their manifesto. And whenever I asked her about their policies, she told me to shut up 'n that she didn’t want to talk about politics. Idk if she went and voted tho.


Update: asked who she voted for, and there was no reform candidate on the ballot, so she voted for my preferred party.

I can’t currently vote cuz of no photo ID. I do have photo ID, but both aren’t allowed under Torie policy. Funny tho, cuz if I was over 60 one of my ID cards would suddenly be acceptable.


I wonder if Labour will change voting ID policy. Seemed to be brought in as a desperate attempt by the tories to favour the older voter.


Some MPs have mentioned it in the past. And I’d hope so. By the time of the next elections I should have a passport but it still sucks.


Firstly I’m so relieved that we’ve got rid of our Tory government. It’s so great seeing Keri Starmer getting the approval from the King to kickstart this new Labour government.

Secondly, I’m glad to see Miranda Hart is finally back in the limelight again: x.com

She’s one of my favourite comedy actors, and it’s great to see she’s got a new book out. You don’t see enough of her on TV anymore, but at least a book is something.