What's Made or Not Made Your Day?

Thank you for the birthday wishes! I seem to have forgotten the password to my old deadname email and so have lost access to that account complicating so much right now.
But somehow I actually managed to have the best birthday ever as my friends showed me lots of love that day. It was an unforgettable 28th.


I had the worst luck for trains today.
On my way to uni my train suddenly had motor troubles. They took so long to fix that I had to change to a later train because it was faster (that train had us stand far too close in my opinion because it was so full (not to forget how hot it was today)). I still got to uni an hour late. Then my course was ended 10 minutes earlier than normal so I was there for basically a 20 minute course. (The way there on a normal day takes 2 hours) Then I had to get back home the train I went into suddenly had a problem with the doors. So I took the later train (half an hour later than the original one) well that train left the station 30 minutes late and was filled to the brim as well. Then when the train was about 5 minutes away from my home station, we stopped for another 30 minutes because there was a problem at the station that meant we couldn’t get in…
This train journey was far too long for the time I actually had lesson…


3 days of 30c+ in my flat has finally ended. A cool night of 14c has meant my flat is a brisk 23.8c. Positively chilly.


It’s 42c outside, so you can imagine my AC’s pretty much constantly running…


AC isn’t really a thing here in homes.

We had highs of 30-35 last year. That was god awful. Not looking forward to it this year. Our homes are built to contain heat, so it just boils for weeks. I remember last year that the temp went down to about 15 at night and the walls outside were still hot, even hours later.


AC pretty much has to be a thing in homes here, since our summers get like this, though very little moisture, at least. I’ve got a bunch of fans around my apartment to help me cool off…


We have high humidity here. 80-90% is the norm.


That can make a big difference, though when it gets really hot, it sucks regardless. It rarely rains here, since this is pretty much the middle of the desert…


I hate summer. Give me winter. A nice 2c day, with plenty of rain.


Winter’s actually a reasonable temperature here, so I definitely miss the winter. I miss places where it rains more often, too…


My kitten Wilson was born in winter, so this is his first English summer, and he hates it. He’s melting into a black-n-white tuxedo cat soup


My old dog would just go and lay in the bath or shower. It was the coolest place in the house.


The UK version of AC is basically turning the pillow over to the cold side.


I have also been suffering from the heat these last few days, since my housing at uni tends to be the same temperature as outside and I have no way of keeping the light and therefore heat out.
Luckily it’s cooled off a bit today but tomorrow is predicted to be terrible.


I performed in Rocky Horror last night, which was very fun (as usual) and we got to perform on the big stage for the first time which was fantastic! Unfortunately my entire body hurts after it (as usual), and I got sunburnt pretty bad in the pride parade last week which means I’m now in the itchy, peeling stage, which is something I usually don’t have to deal with on top of bruised feet from spending six hours dancing in heels.

I skimped out on my groceries, too, which means I don’t have a lot of options for food this weekend. Money’s a little tight this month, but I would kill for some sushi so I think paying for it is probably the better option :laughing:




I survived the finals week and I’m feeling optimistic about the grades. So these few days are full of light-hearted binge of random dw stories I wanted to get to for all kinds of reasons that I can’t recall reliably each time. It’s been great.
But one of my best friends still has two days till he presents his project, and I sense a hint of burn-out in him. It worries me a lot, but we are in different cities and I don’t really have any means to help.


This morning…this forum.

It’s been a rough week, dealing with a very rough situation at work for which I am not equipped, and also a household emergency I don’t know how to handle, and a degree of despair over what’s going on in U.S. politics…

Taking a few minutes here and there to have some pleasant interactions over here has taken a bit of the edge off the pile of frustration I’m facing most everywhere else.

So, that’s what’s made my day today.


My boys began their summer holiday today and we are going camping on Monday :blush:

Listened to about 5 hours of Podcasts today while packing for our vacation and getting ready. :blush:

Saw two episodes of Pyramids of Mars today.:blush:

Our car came back from the mechanic and it cost us about 10.000 DKK (~1100 £) less than we expected.:blush:

Received a book in the mail, just in time for vacation.:blush:

Two baby deer spent about 10 minutes playing in our back yard today (until the Mama deer got real angry :wink:) :blush:

The Tour de France is starting tomorrow.:blush:

My wife spent entirely too much money on two jars of Marmite just for me that was sent to us here in Denmark from Germany. :blush:

And then I stubbed my toe… This day could not be going worse :wink::wink::wink:


Enjoy your holiday