What Should You Watch/Read/Listen To Next?

Having the itch after Masterful to watch one of my season 8 collectors edition Blu-rays this weekend. Other than Terror of the Autons I’ve not seen any of the stories so very much looking for recommendations on which to watch :eyes:


I’d say the Daemons is a great Pick!


What do I do this evening tomorrow I’m too tired now?

  • Gallifrey (The Devil you know) (I know I just said I wouldn’t whatever I might change my mind)
  • Scherzo (catching up with some clubs but also haven’t actually done this one yet)
  • New River Song
  • Start reading romance of crime
0 voters

All of these are things I plan to do in the next week or so but I only have time for one more thing today but I’ll do one of them first


Wow! For once Gallifrey isn’t leading the poll. :astonished:

Edit: And @sircarolyn didn’t vote for Gallifrey! Is the world ending or something?


I only did not because I know Jae is on The Devil You Know and I wanted to spare them that heartbreak/it’s basically impossible to hear that then not finish TW1. I was being nice :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


And I greatly appreciate that because I ended up curling up in bed a bit early [1] and now I can barely keep my eyes open so I’m doing none of the above today actually :sweat_smile:

  1. heating broke again. Needed blankets ↩︎


What?! This is a betrayal! We don’t get what we vote for! I demand the right to take back my vote! /j


Okey dokey - group mind think time. What should I listen to next?

  • The Anachronauts (next CC on my list)
  • Finish Eighth of March Vol 2
  • The Hoxteth Time Capsule (need to finish off Paul Spragg Memorials)
  • Alien Heart/Dalek Soul (next Main Range)
  • Moving Target (Torchwood)
  • Doom Coalition 4
0 voters

Torn between DC4 and Torchwood aaagh