Thank you! That’s all I needed to know!
No problem (happy that there was actually something I can help with)
They’re standalone from other releases. However, within individual sets, there are linked stories. For example, the second set has two Vashta Narada stories that essentially use the same setting (in very different ways), or the two Krillitane story are essentially a loose two-parter, the second story will spoil the twist of the first.
I’m feeling rather indecisive today on what to listen to today so I’m calling upon your help! Giving you a few options on what I could listen to and you can just decide my fate!
- Start Volume 3 of the new adventures of Bernice Summerfield
- Start The Death and Life of River Song Last Words
- Start listening to The Kingmaker
- Listen to something from the BBC Originals
- Listen to 1963: The Space Race
- Relisten to Bang-Bang-a-Boom
- Listen to Doom’s Day >:3
- Continue the Charley arc with Neverland
The Kingmaker is an utter delight!
Plenty of great choices there. The Kingmaker and Benny are never wrong but River gets my vote today.
Yippee!!! I love the River set. In fact, I love most of them, but that one hit so hard.
I found the recent for pretty cheaply too! I got it for only 8 euros I think- Italian Amazon has some really cheap Doctor Who releases
Ah nice! I’m digital only myself since a while back, like to support them directly too.
the weird thing is they were cheap AND freshly baked! They were sealed releases! I bought some of the newer Benny stuff there too because these solo releases could get very pricy. They were also arrived sealed! Planning to buy some of the Dark Gallifrey stuff. I didn’t want to buy them first because I thought they would cost a fortune this way rather in a boxset but finding out that Italian Amazon have them more cheap I probably will get them.
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield are so good!!
At this rate nothing will win TwT
Update on this-
I will close this vote after the CyberMarch watchalong so around 8PM GMT
- Call Me Master!
- The Return of Jo Jones
Haven’t listened to either but have heard more about Dhawan than Manning.
Both are good honestly, voted Jo Jones as I slightly prefer it
- Master! series 1
- Torchwood Soho: Unbegotten
- Class volume 3
- 2DA: Conspiracy of Raven
Will likely make my choice based off the first couple of votes as I’ll listen to something as I walk the dog in about half an hour
I’ve heard all (well 2/3 of Master!) of these, and tbh any would be good choices!! I’ll go with the 2DA’s though. I really like them even if I don’t agree with all the decisions they’ve taken so far.
Unfortunately I’ve heard none of barring the first 1/3 of Master! so I’ll abstain from voting.
I didn’t enjoy Master! and have only listened to Conspiracy of Raven out of the remaining three, so that’s my pick.