What Should You Watch/Read/Listen To Next?

  • War Doctor: Morbius the Mighty
  • Susanā€™s War 1
  • 2nd Doctor: Conspiracy of Raven
0 voters

Heard all of these are good, just not sure which one to listen to first :sweat_smile:

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Itā€™s the only one of those Iā€™ve listened to but it is very good.


Iā€™m biased because Susan and Veklin go on a little holiday truly made me insane, but yes Susanā€™s War is very good


I mean, why bother with that Doctor bloke when you have Susan :wink:


Iā€™m going to be the odd one out and suggest War Doctor, just because it was a great set. Susanā€™s War is a superb choice as well. I wasnā€™t sold on Conspiracy of Raven.


Yeah there seems to be a landslide majority on Susanā€™s War :sweat_smile:
No complaints from me however, I really enjoyed Family Ties back in August


Taking this in a different direction, and instead of asking what I should watch/read/listen to next, Iā€™m asking what should I draw next? Some of you might remember when I did the Torchwood cats, and now I want to draw some more Doctor Who characters as cats, starting with a few classic companions. Obviously I wonā€™t be able to do them all (there are just so many!) but there are a few Iā€™m definitely interested in doing.

So, who should I draw as a cat next?

  • Leela
  • Romana I
  • Romana II
  • Ace
0 voters

Iā€™m also accepting suggestions for other characters, but no guarantees.


:open_mouth: Very surprised (not)


I may be a bit predictable :laughing:


ok guys so since everyone else is asking - I have technically started listening to Gallifrey but I found the first two stories a bit tedious and Iā€™m not really motivated to continue. therefore I want everyoneā€™s opinions as to whether I should stick with it in release order (which is usually what I do with series) or skip ahead to some stories which I might find more interesting (possibly blasphemy).

  • listen to it in order!!!
  • skip ahead to a story/series I think sounds more interesting
  • skip ahead to a specific story/series (leave a reply with your recommendation)
0 voters

idk if this will convince you to draw ace as a cat but hereā€™s my cat, who is called ace


I promise promise promise you just have to stick it out. Every other person on this forum looked at me like I was insane for saying this but I promise you get to A Blind Eye and Spirit and youā€™ll be hooked.


I know Romana I wonā€™t get many votes but I feel Mary Tamm is perfect to be turned into a cat - definitely more so than Lalla.


You definitely need to listen in order. The more it goes on, the more Gallfrey is just one episodic story. Jump ahead and you will miss far to many important plot points. Also, you need every episode to appreciate the subtle way various characters grow as the story progresses.


Come join the Audio Club Extra threads and tell us your thoughts for more motivation!

Hereā€™s the link to the Weapon of Choice thread

And hereā€™s my spreadsheet with all the club links


Whoops, when I checked this before starting Leela was in the lead, but now sheā€™s second to last! Either way, Leela will be first, and whoever ends up top of the list when Iā€™m done with her will be next.

What a gorgeous blue tortie! I did consider a similar colour for my Ace cat, but I think Iā€™m gonna stick with black (or black based colours).

I have big plans for both Romanas; theyā€™ll be very different in some ways, but very similar in others.


Gallifrey really has to be listened to in order, each story has important bits of the plot, but I promise the first are amongst the slowest ones, where you canā€™t really tell that very strongly yet. Personally, while I enjoyed the first three, I was only really hooked after A Blind Eye (end of season one) and by Spirit (thatā€™s the second of season two) I knew this series would be a major obsession of mine. For me, itā€™s been getting better and better since. So definitely stick to it for a bit longer!


Thank you! I think the consensus is definitely to stick with it so I might check out the audio club in that case :eyes:


These are my next few listens. They are already loaded onto my phone.


I canā€™t decide whether to watch the Loose Cannon recon of The Celestial Toymaker or listen to the audio version (I am planning on watching the existing fourth episode) What do you think I should do?

  • Audio Release
  • Loose Cannon Recon
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