What is everyone's plans for watching the new episodes next week?

Outside of Who I’m usually not, but with new seasons of who I definitely get annoyed by spoilers and I can’t really make my peace with it

I am away in other countries every single weekend that Doctor Who is being shown :persevere:

I’m definitely going to become best friends with the Disney+ app and probably watch in bed with my headphones at the end of the day!

It will be pretty easy to avoid spoilers because I will simply not use any Internet until I’ve seen them. So I may go a bit quiet on here!!

We are also going to set up some spoiler rules, probably have a dedicated thread for each episode and not allow spoilers in other threads.

We could also set up an opt-in chat channel if you wanted to discuss at the time, although I’d prefer to read back the threads at a leisurely pace!

(I don’t like to complain, because we are going to some lovely places, but definitely over-booked this year!)


As I don’t have access to the BBC nore Disney+, I’ll be watching the episodes the moment they’re available on my favourite :skull_and_crossbones: sites. As they’re dropping at 2am my time and it usually takes a few hours for episodes to get on those sites, I’ll probably be watching along with breakfast.

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Midnight for the first one - I’m an owl so I’m generally still online then anyway. May save the second one for the morning or watch back to back - I’ll see how I feel at the time


American here :raised_hand:
They drop at 6pm Friday for me, so I’ll likely watch around then with my parents (who also love Doctor Who)

It is a convenient time, but I also never minded the episodes dropping at 2pm or sometimes 7pm Saturdays when it was on BBC America. I don’t quite understand the decision making process now, when mid-day Saturdays would have worked for us too, as it has in the past?

Excited to see the new episodes!


Matters when the wife get off work, hopefully when it drops on D+ but probably will not be that lucky.

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Should be watching when they drop or shortly after. Lucky that my wife gets half days Friday otherwise we’d have to wait a bit to watch. Still weird to me that so many people see the streaming time as prioritizing America when it’s clearly planned around UK time and just happens to be a pretty-good-but-not-really-great time for the US.

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Ack my wife won’t watch neither Doctor Who nor Eurovision :smiling_face_with_tear:

So I’ll probably watch on the upstairs TV when the episodes drop while she rewatches an American series about lawyers where every single actor must be envious of the acting abilities of Hippias from The Time Monster despite having a bigger budget than Doctor Who (it’s really bad people)


I want to come to a Doctor Who and Eurovision party!!!


Me too! :tada:
Let’s gatecrash :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ll probably watch on broadcast, followed by Eurovision, assuming my wife is up for it. If she isn’t then I’ll have to watch earlier in the day or on the Sunday. We both love a bit of Eurovision and she liked Tennant, but I don’t know if she’s on board for Gatwa. She checked out during Smith’s reign.

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How is dropping episodes at midnight planing around UK time?

If they were planning around UK time, couldn’t they do what they did with the 60th specials and drop them evening UK time/midday US time?


You don’t need to gatecrash. You’re all invited!


Pretty sure that’s ground for divorce…


Now there’s a thought :thinking::joy:

I got three sisters who will watch Eurovision and three sons I am slowly influencing to watch Doctor Who so I believe I’ll cope - have done so for 21 years together so far :wink:

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I’m there. How do we attend?

Because the intention with midnight streaming releases is for it to be available to audiences at whatever point in the release day they want to watch. I know it’s not really ideal for people who want to watch as soon as it’s available, and I’m not saying that it’s necessarily the best release model, but the time is clearly chosen around UK time, just as many US-based streaming shows are added at midnight PST.

Interestingly, Disney+ has actually started to move away from midnight releases and drops some weekly shows like Percy Jackson closer to US Primetime, and that time slot is 2 hours after the Doctor Who time.


Image your surprise when 200 people from here show up next week :joy:


It’s dropping slightly before US primetime, but that’s the point, it’s being released around US primetime and away from a good time for UK releases. UK primetime worked fine for the 60th, so why not just keep doing things that way

It definitely feels to me like they wanted it at US primetime but if they did they wouldn’t even be able to pretend they’re caring about UK audiences at all (being 2am here), so this was the best compromise they could do while still prioritising America

There’s also a quote from RTD somewhere (I think DWM#603 but I don’t have it) where he’s encouraging kids to stay up and watch it, which
A) why would you say that if your intent is for people to watch the next day
B) Are you really asking kids to stay up until 1:40 AM for that first one
C) the series runs through GCSE, A-Level, and general exam periods, kids shouldn’t be staying up that late when they’ve got those on as well


I read the whole thing he said and it wasn’t just like “Kids should all stay up to watch this” it was more “If you’re a super fan who wants it right when it drops, stay up late and make a party out of it. Kids can stay up late and join in too, it’ll be fun!”

And I’m not saying that this is necessarily better than the way the 60th specials released, just that I don’t buy that it’s being done to prioritize US audiences. Hell, for half the US a midday Saturday release is arguably more convenient to watch as it drops than the late afternoon Friday time that we’re going to be getting.