As soon as they drop whatever time that is for you? First thing Saturday morning? Waiting till the BBC-One broadcast? Any plans for a watch party?
I’ll be waiting for the BBC broadcast to watch alongside my uni’s Doctor Who society, which I am very much looking forward to it’s always fun, and attempting to avoid the Internet in the intervening time!
Probably when they first drop at 4pm Friday.
very lucky with that time, I’d have to stay up till like 2am to watch them when they drop, and new episodes of Doctor Who are an evening affair for me so will need to avoid spoilers all day
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I’ll probably watch at BBC broadcast, or if I’m working that night, the next day on catchup. DW isn’t appointment viewing for me any more.
As dear as Doctor Who is to me, I don’t think I can be bothered with the midnight release (and I’d have too much to say after the fact too! I’d get no sleep), so Saturday morning it is. I don’t think I could wait all the way until the BBC broadcast knowing it’s there though.
We’re having lots of friends over for a big watch party followed by a big Eurovision party. Very excited!
(I’m in the UK)
Think I’ll probably watch Episode 1 when it drops and then save 2 for when it’s broadcast so I can watch with my partner.
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Unless I am asleep as my leep schedule is rather unpredictable, the second it drops
Well, for me, when it drops is actually at a time when I’ll be working, unless I get off early, so I’m pretty much planning on watching it once I get off work that day, probably a few hours later…
Am I invited??? 
Seriously though, we have a short vacation trip planned for that weekend and the following Monday, and my wife isn’t interested in watching, so I might have to wait until later in the week to watch it
how will I avoid all the spoilers and discussions?
gosh that’s so long to wait, good luck, I barely think I’ll manage the few hours I’m planning
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Even though I didn’t strictly need to, I took the day off work and I plan to start it the moment it’s available. Gonna get a bunch of snacks and ignore the real world for as long as possible.
I’m gonna do what I’ve been doing for several years now and watch with my discord community! We’re all really excited for it
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I have no idea actually! I live with my best friend, and we met through a shared love of Gallifrey, so we’ll definitely watch it - there’s a strong possibility we’ll watch it as soon as we can on Disney, which will be at a pretty reasonable time in the US!
Don’t have plans, but probably watch the next day with my boyfriend
not watching Eurovision (for political reasons), may wait until they’re on before it though, will see
Will say I’m definitely frustrated with the way they’re dropping it prioriting america, and everything RTD has said to defend it has just made me even more frustrated about it
If it’s on Disney+ for you, you try putting the app on your phone and watching it there with headphones.
I’ve made peace with it at this point, it is still frustrating and I wish it wasn’t this way, but I’m not going to let it change my plans, and if I get spoiled then so be it, outside of Doctor Who I’ve never been hugely bothered by spoilers anyway
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For me, I’m in America, and it’d be a lot more convenient if it was dropping at midnight (my time), since I’d be off work.
Yup, they’re on Disney+ and the episodes drop in the middle of the night. If I’m lucky, we might be able to slot in enough time somewhere in the weekend for me to watch at least the first episode