Season 5 (I swear I thought I only wrote for 4 originally, but apparently I labeled Season 2 and 3 as both 2 for some reason
Episode 1: The Doctor is still in Grief over their last Companion, so they try to distract themselves with adventures but after a crashing, the Tardis disappearing out of nowhere. (Yes the Tardis did this on purpose, of course). And now she is stuck there. She would quickly met an older Lady, a Widow, who only recently lost their Partner. And they both bond over their shared grief. This would be the last Companion Introduction, with Carol joining her into the Adventures.
Episode 2: Pseudo Historical, not sure what else, up to the possible Writer
Episode 3 “Master Game”: A low stake Story, mainly Doctor-lite where we see two Masters trying to cause Mayhem differently there (not sure if one of them would be a new one, I’d love for Missy to return here, I adore Gomez in the Role so she would be great here. Who the other Master is, not sure!)
Episode 4: Alien World, which has a red sky with Creatures who have a Plague Doctor Look to them, not sure what else
Episode 5: Alien Invasion Story
Episode 6/7: Pure Historical set in Greece
Episode 8: Alien World
Episode 9: Carol gets back home, only to find out that an old Friend of hers is deadly sick. The Doctor convinces her to take them to a trip to the Tardis so she can get to a Place, she always wanted to, but never was able to. And while this Friend enjoys herself there, Carol and the Doctor try their best to make a Cure for her. Only to not realize that she is ready to go.
Episode 10/11 “Eternity Paradox”: We explore Carol’s Past, while also finding out that there is something wrong with her Past and it got somehow corrupted. (Imagine Time Glitches)
I think I would like to end my Run with two Specials, which would be the Regeneration Story, I am thinking of a Two Parter. I am not sure what exactly it would be, but probably a Historical Setting with the Monk returning. An Idea I’d like to see would be if Lincoln wasn’t assassinated, but I am not sure if televised Who would explore such a “What If” Question. Not sure how or why the Doctor would regenerate, I’d like the approach for it to be tragic for sure.
Some of those Ideas I am less excited about others, I did try to mix it with some Aspects, which seem realistic (Dalek, Cybermen, Master Story) but give it all a new Spin. As I said, I am not necessarily trying to be that realistic, but I think it’s a decent enough Idea overall.
That being said, RTD, if you have Troubles finding somebody to take over, I am available!