What character traits are definitively "Doctorish" for you?

Given that the Doctor changes persona between each incarnation, it fascinates me to consider which traits are definitive. There are some elements of the Doctor’s personality that are very much manifestations of a specific regeneration but there are other elements that are more central and defining of the Doctor as a consistent character. Even so, these traits can vary in magnitude between regenerations but are traits that we would generally expect to see present. Does the lack of (or reduced prominence of) any trait make it difficult for you to identify with a given regeneration as the Doctor? Which incarnations most embody the traits that you find of central importance? How?

Note: This is NOT an opportunity for people to pile on any given regen, as each incarnation has their own fans and their own merits. This is merely by way of exploration. After all, I’m a curious fellow! :smiley:


They always have to be some degree of overdramatic weirdo and sad little meow meow if you know what i mean


The Doctor always makes up as they go. 8 acknowledge this in The War Valeyard (just a recent example for me). Yet 11 seems to often pretend that he has a plan when he’s just winging it? Is that insecurity? :thinking:


The Doctor should always be at least a little off and alien.

The Doctor should not have the fashion sense of a typical 20th century human.

The Doctor should have a love/hate relationship with the human race, as well as the Master.


I think always being on the side of the little guy, always wanting to put things right.

The Thirteenth Doctor put it well (and I have a badge with this on):

“When people need help, I never refuse”.


Excitement about exploring and experiencing new things will always be near the top of my list along with never ‘cruel or cowardly’.


An important trait is not knowing when to stop putting sugar in your tea :teapot:



I really don’t know what you want to say with that, that is a perfectly normal amount of sugar for your tea. :joy: :joy:

No without joking, yeah most people really wouldn’t sweeten their tea that much. (I’m not most people.)


For me it’s a mix of a strong moral compass to right wrongs… While also being incredibly alien and weird because of it. I love when The Doctor seems to be human but then has either cold moments or moments where they just act a little odd compared to how humans would act. 8 in the audios is a prime example of this. This combination of a strong loving heart and that similarity to humanity while clearly not being a part of it is core to the character for me


My normal experience when on field expeditions to the African bush, is to gradually decrease the amount of coffee I put in my campfire brew at the end of the day, whilst increasing the powdered milk and sugar content. When on low reserves, the body craves protein and sugar so I end up drinking hot super sugary milk. I mean, really properly syrupy! Can’t drink it under normal circumstances but in the field… I come to crave it every time. Maybe, because the Doctor is always running from something, his body is permanently low on reserves… hence the sugar craving?


I love to see that mercurial intelligence, that lightning quick mind at work. They all have it to a degree, of course, but it’s particularly prevalent for me in:

  • Second Doctor (though he hides it, it bleeds through)
  • Third Doctor (he really doesn’t hide it)
  • Fourth Doctor (his unpredictable flashes of inspiration are delightful)
  • Seventh Doctor (it comes through very differently, but is still there. I’d describe it as more of a simmering intelligence)
  • Tenth Doctor (he’s an exemplar of lightning fast thinking on many occasions)
  • Twelfth Doctor (more a fiery intelligence, but the same basic brilliance)

Yes, the Doctor always has that over dramatic sensibility. It’s definitely a defining Doctorish trait in my book too! :smiley:


Yes, quite right! It’s always interesting when the Doctor’s morality doesn’t quite gel with human expectations. It’s that wider, deeper, bigger view of the universe that only a seasoned traveller in the fifth dimension would truly develop! :smiley:


Doctor Recipe:

  • A dash of eccentricity
  • More than a pinch of curiosity
  • A penchant for scientific discovery
  • Strong opinions about fruit :banana::pear:
  • Pockets galore
  • Spoon Enthusiast :spoon:
  • A somewhat frivolous fashion sense
  • A disregard for established order
  • A gene for namedropping
  • A complete lack of understanding of basic TARDIS maintenance
  • A revolving door of companions
  • The ability to lie about how big the TARDIS is (if it was that big then how come we basically never see the insides?)
  • Engineering capabilities across epochs
  • An intimate knowledge of historical events and figures
  • TARDIS piloting skills that fits the plot

For me, the most important thing for the Doctor to be is autistic. So many of the traits already mentioned can be encompassed in that.


Was literally coming in here to say autism but you beat me to it


Ahhh, but is being neurodivergent a character trait or are character traits associated with it? Such a diverse number of ways in which neuro-atypical people manifest difference that I would argue it isn’t a trait per se. That said, I agree that many of the Doctor’s traits are familiar to (and even indicative of) neurodivergence.

And, as someone who falls into the neurodivergent/neuro-atypical bracket myself, it is pretty commonplace that I’m told I don’t think like other humans. In the Doctor’s case, this is hardly surprising! :wink:


I think this one is really important. It’s the fact that the Doctor’s pockets are not only capacious (not, in itself a character trait) but also full of the most bizarre and eclectic things. From the most useful and specific gadget (in some cases) to dolly mixtures, toys and even a piece of the synestic locking mechanism from Nerva’s rocket! It’s also reflective of the Doctor’s somewhat kleptomaniac leanings (which is definitely a character trait).

In fact, let’s add to that an inherent tendency to contradict. This is possibly one of my favourite lines from the whole show!

“Never throw anything away, Harry. Where’s my five hundred year diary? I remember jotting some notes on the Sontarans. It’s a mistake to clutter one’s pockets, Harry!”


Love that I read that in his voice!