I have 2 serials left in the Second Doctor part of my marathon. I’m currently onto The Space Pirates. If you don’t hear from me again, presume I have quit Doctor Who for good.
Thankfully, it is the last lost serial.
I have 2 serials left in the Second Doctor part of my marathon. I’m currently onto The Space Pirates. If you don’t hear from me again, presume I have quit Doctor Who for good.
Thankfully, it is the last lost serial.
2 episodes in.
Well that’s over with. Now onto The War Games.
I watched Survival again over the last few days. What a gorgeous, unique, bleak, hopeful story. I love it more every time I watch it!
Oh so THAT’s why yall don’t like Space Babies.
I mean, it’s fine, I gave it 3 stars because it gets the job done, but… there’s really no flavour here. And while I think RTD is generally great, I am already sick to death of his penchant for season-long plot arcs and his last of the time lords business.
(I’m also pressed because since it’s Region B only - thanks, Disney, you bilgebags - I can only play it in my PS3. But it’s encoded in some weird weird way such that my PS3 refuses to play it! So I’m stuck watching it on my computer instead of the TV.)
“No one makes a fool of the Graff Vynda K and lives!”
It might be the most aggressively “it’s fine” episode of Doctor Who for me. Like a default template. The Doctor scaring all the babies for a laugh is gold though, so there’s that.
Anyway, last night I rewatched the TV Movie! Last time I saw it would’ve been around 2020, and once or twice before then but probably similar timeframes apart! What this has made me certain of though is that every time I watch the movie I like it more. It’s deeply flawed but has just as much heart.
It also becomes quite comedic in the second half, with some great gags with both the Doctor and the Master. I think things ultimately worked out for the best as they did, but oh to imagine a McGann led revival in the late 90s.
The Romans was peak. If there’s anything 60’s Who does well from what I’ve seen, it’s historicals, as they’re so much better than a lot of the early sci-fi stuff by a mile imo
Imagine DW having those 90s SF vibes… the things we could have had
Just finished The Zygon Inversion. That speech is so good on its own, it’s even better in context.
Just started Terminator Zero. So far I am really enjoying it, the animation is amazing and va for the English dub are actually really good too.
TV movie is such a charming mess! I genuinely think the first half and some of the middle is genuinely really strong! And then that ending is just lots of screaming and bad kinda weirdness haha
I’m 2 episodes into The War Games. Hopefully I can finish it today after I get prepared for a new assignment next week.
P.R.O.B.E - The Zero Imperative.
10 minutes in. So many familiar faces
Liz Shaw smoking a pibe!
Jon Pertwee!!!
Just finished Kinda. I did not expect it to be pronounced the way it is.
Where are you watching it?
I’ve been trying to find it everywhere and can’t (and dont’ really want to pay BBV for it)
Watched Keeper of Traken last night; yes, it’s frightfully dull but it’s also veering close to a high camp masterpiece with the dedication in costuming and set dressing. I wonder how many people were spoiled on the reveal by Beevers just being credited in Episode 2?
Bidmead is clearly shooting for Herbert-esque thinky sci-fi with lots of vaunted halls and Important Decisions, but because it’s 1981 and everything is sepia-toned it all comes off as a load of waffle. But it’s entertaining enough waffle, for what it is. Bonus points to Adric for actually not being that insufferable, and bonus bonus points for Nyssa standing on business and laser blasting two guards with no remorse.
You can tell Tom is pissed off though, they can’t even get a smile out of him in the credits photo and he’s a rather surly and low energy prescence throughout, presumably because it’s a bunch of new characters getting introduced through lots of boring dialog he can’t exactly mug his way through.
The resolution is SO anti-climactic, presumably so we could have the extra three or so minutes to kill off Tremas (Ainley is also bloody great in this, not sure which episode the hate begins to stem from really) and give us a proper cliffhanger. We’re keeping some of that loose serialization that began to come in the late 70s, as the show is becoming something more intricate.
Beevers is also absolutely terrifying in this, full of menace and depravity for the few minutes he’s onscreen, his white eyes shining bright and mad out of his scorched and scarred face. Chilling stuff.
Rewathed It Takes You Away for the first time in ages. Oh my god, how did i miss on this gem? Atmospheric, emotional, and delightfully absurd. The goblin man from the antiverse was slimy and upsetting in the best possible way. And the Solitract is just so… who. A frog in a chair that is also a universe. Amazing. Ngl, I’m now headcanoning it as a cast out member of the Pantheon. God of Lonliness, perhaps?
For real - the 1st half is GREAT and then… it becomes clear to me why it didn’t take off in the 2nd half. Still an enjoyable watch!
I think the thing that really makes ‘Turn Left’ work, even with the necessary reset is the emotional weight of Donna coming to the conclusion that she has to die. Our Donna may live, but ‘splinter’ Donna basically chooses to commit suicide. It’s a terrible, horrible thing. It’s delivered with weight. It doesn’t take anything away that her timeline is removed. She still had to go through that.
Now that is how to do a ‘reset’ episode. I don’t think it has ever been done better.