I approve. You clearly have taste, refinement and an appreciation of the finer things!
Just watched the first episode of The Face of Evil - Leela is just fantastic right from the start, and deadly!
“No more Janis thorns!”
But the face in the rock doesn’t look all that much like Tom Baker does it?
Finished the third doctor era with planet of the spiders yesterday, the spiders were a bit silly but overall a lot of fun. It’ll be interesting to compare Sarah Jane’s dynamic with the third doctor, and with the fourth one. I really like her character, but I’m not really sold on the dynamic so far
Yeah, they do a great job of establishing Leela and her dynamic with the Doctor right off the bat.
“Would you like a jelly baby?”
“It’s true, then. They say the Evil One eats babies.”
There’s a reason I’ve been more and more fond of the episode.
And, yeah, the face could have been better, but it gets the point across…
It’s a stunningly well written, genuinely thoughtful and beautifully performed story. It has aged extremely well (cliff face sculpture aside). Love the invisible monsters and alarm clock scene. Love the way that it’s all basically the Doctor’s fault. Love Leela (of course), Neevah is great and Xoanon is really quite disturbing as a concept. Wonderful stuff!
Rewatched The Witchfinders and I love it even more than I remember? Might be tied with POTD and Villa Diodati for my fav 13 episode. The vibe, Alan Cummings chewing the scenery, it’s an all time great.
But man. I can’t help but wonder what would happen if 12 were in this situation, because this is such a him-coded setting - hell, he’s always compared to a magician, so it makes sense to put him in a place mad about witches
I get the distinct vibe that he’d put up with approximately 5 minutes of King James’ bullshit before whipping out the sonic and claiming to be King of the Warlocks in some weird gambit to get closer to the Morax lol.
Either way, peak 13. She’s been growing on me a lot more recently, cause LOTSD was also a lot better than I remembered cause I reeeeeeally didn’t like it first watch.
King James gets so… enthusiastic when Ryan is near
Fantastic story!
The WItchfinders is one of those stories I look at and wonder how the section of fandom who was so rabidly against this era can’t see how incredibly ‘Doctor Who’ the stories are.
Accidentally watching The End of Time with my housemate who’s binging through Revival Who for the first time and I must say I have to agree with @BillFiler - this story gets worse with every watch. I think Gallifrey’s return was exciting in 2008 but without that shiny excitement it all falls apart
Rewatched it recently with friends I’ve introduced to the show (they hadn’t seen it before). I’ve got to say, Part One is a lot more fun to watch when you’re laughing at it with a couple of fellow idiots.
I don’t think we’ve ever laughed harder than when the Master does his little jump away after finding out the drumming’s real.
Yup we laughed long and hard at that too she keeps asking when Matt Smith is going to appear which probably tells you how much she is liking it too haha
Hooray, my mission is working
I know exactly what you mean. It’s almost like some people had an agenda right from the start, huh? I’d love Joy Wilkinson to write for the series again. Good classic fare in the Jodie era.
I’ve just rewatched “Partners in Crime”. This story grows on me every time. It’s just so much fun with great writing and delightful performances. Tennant & Tate make for the perfect pairinĝ. Sarah Lancaster really enjoys playing the villainous Matron Cofelia and the story just zips along. Plus, the entire sequence from charades to the end of the window cleaning cradle sequence is extremely good!
Rewatching Flux. Forgotten how much fun Karvanista is!
Watched it for the first time a few weeks ago and was wondering why I hadn’t sooner! Such a great story.
It really is, isn’t it? What are your highlights?
Neeva’s hat is pretty epic
5 eps into Doctor Who and the Silurians and doing the series one ep a day has been wonderful! I realised I’ve been watching Classic Who the wrong way. There is supposed to be an interval (your real life) between eps.
It is! I also love how David Garfield commits to the role. No hint of hamming it up or playing it for laughs. He plays the role with absolute sincerity.