I could easily go on big long rants about some episodes haha
Wanted to watch some classic Who. Thought that I should continue my first Doctor watch. I ended up starting An Unearthly Child instead. The first episode is such a great start! It could be aired today with almost no changes and no one would notice!
What, Sweden hasn’t gotten the colour TV yet? Oh boy, you’re in for a treat!
(And just wait for the day when you can change channels without getting up from the sofa and walking up to the TV itself! That’s revolutionary, I tell you!).
I don’t know the word “TV”. What does it mean? It sounds like a disease.
Technically, I don’t own a tv. Just multiple computers and monitors…
Back on my watch through. On Day of the Daleks.
Don’t tell me they want us to have one of these newfangled vack-zines!
I enjoyed it a lot, and in my opinion, the series did not get worse as it goes on, with an excellent ending! (Maybe that’s just because I love the 13 era lol)
I’ve started Eve of the Daleks!
(Last episode of the revival for me to watch!)
I am happy that you enjoyed it.
That is a good one!
I don’t even know what that means
It’s Danish, no one understands it
I thought that you answered this
You with your Tee Vee and your Oh Kay…
Hmmm, I sort of see what you - and others - are saying here but I’m with @shauny. It’s a ramble from someone who has just discovered she might be able to find out about her dad as well. She uses the word ‘real’ because she’s emotional and over-excited and scared. She’s also torn because she’s having to choose between discovering this new part of her family she’s always wanted to stay exploring the universe with the Doctor.
And, honestly, ‘real’ is technically accurate as a term for what her ‘birth’ mother is. We can get into semantics about that choice of word but interpreting it as a slight on Carla is 100%, as far as I’m concerned in the way you choose to interpret it and isn’t even close to how it is presented on screen in that scene.
I wonder how someone who was adopted would interpret that part - and huge apologies in advance to anyone on here who has that life experience and agrees with the comments in this thread. I will of course defer to anyone with real life experience of this (including you, @TARDIS32 if I have overstepped here).
Also - what on earth is wrong with Morris?
At least he’s more use in the story than Rose.
(I wonder if exposure to Lennie Rush’s other work helps to like him. He’s brilliant in the comedy ‘Am I Unreasonable’.)
I wasn’t the biggest fan of Morris.
Found him a bit difficult to understand, and his jokes weren’t funny.
Just felt like he was meant to be a big joke (“he looks young but is really brainy!”) but it fell flat to me, plus the guns in his Segway were a bad choice.
Just generally not a fan. I wish we’d had Shirley. Actually that’s probably where the guns came from, she definitely would have shot a bazooka at Sutekh.
My two kids thought that bit was hilarious and brilliant.
(That said, I think they might both be psychopaths).
That is a fair point. I’m not adopted, so maybe those who are might have a better perspective. I don’t think it’s a huge issue honestly, just a bit awkwardly phrased at most, especially compared to all the other problems in the episode.
Oh indeed. I found so much I didn’t like about Empire to the point I surprised myself when writing about it on here.
I saw someone on tumblr who is adopted complain at great lengths about this plotline in general and the choice of phrasing in particular. I don’t think they’re on the forum, but I might be wrong. They really disliked the use of “real mother”, because for all intents and purposes, Carla is Ruby’s real mother - she’s the one who raised her. And yes, calling her bio mum “real” is very much a slight against Carla. Many adoptive parents would take issue with that.
Another thing this person pointed out is the extreme focus on Ruby’s mother, rather than both her parents. In Church they’re mentioned about equally, but every episode since seems to forget it takes two to tango. Is her father as difficult to find as her mother? But at this point I’ll be getting into the poor execution of this plotline and the use of red herrings, which isn’t the point.