Ooooooo have fun!!!
Re-read the first few chapters of Mission: Impractical and now trying to forge ahead. Very Doctor Who does Star Wars at the moment (but I always feel like David A. Mcintee’s books are trying to invoke other TV sci fi).
I’m also going to read The Endless Song Titan comics to catch up with Comic Club.
Finished The Shy Stegosaurus of Cricket Creek this afternoon. It’s good, definitely a kid’s book, but a decent little adventure. A bit of a slow start, and very of its time (written in 1955), so there are slight inaccuracies in the science (such as hadrosaurs and sauropods being semi- or mostly aquatic). But enjoyable nonetheless. Next up is Volume 8 of the current Marvel Star Wars run: The Sith and the Skywalker. After that, I plan on picking up the next novel in my slow re-read of the New Jedi Order series.
Frida Kahlo and the Skull Children - Didn’t wow me, but I did enjoy it, and I felt like Frida’s character was well fleshed out.
A decent start to the Icons series.
After we finished off The Spaceship Graveyard, I thought I’d give Alien Arena a look and was pleasantly surprised by my choices feeling like they mattered, and all actually being my choices rather than random things that happen in the world!
Also got through it in like 10 mins, which was a nice change of pace from the 15 days that The Spaceship Graveyard took XD
Wow, your reading speed is really improving!
Thanks for this, good to know I wasn’t misremembering about some books having choices that felt more meaningful.
Finished reading Josephine and the Argonauts. It was a comfy and fun story, it was also nice to have another story with The Delgado Master. Its not to everyone’s tastes but I generally really like Magrs style
Just picked up a copy of the Target Storybook.
Enjoyed Gatecrashers*, and am about halfway through Journey Out of Terror.
I also finished Vault 13!
It wasn’t one page!
How many was it? I can change it.
There are 23 pages.
Changed - you can rest easy tonight.
So I finished Only Human a lot quicker than I thought I would, which means I can progress through Target Storybook a lot more.
And I noticed a lot of the Guide pages for these short stories are rather… incomplete…
Yeah, a lot of short stories and audios are like this now. You can always use the suggest edit form to help filling the info
Yep, if it’s empty of TARDIS Wiki and none of us has filled it in then it will be incomplete.
Feel free to submit suggestions
I’ve given you access to the new, improved Suggest Edits form!
I finished reading “The Legends of River Song” yesterday.
I don’t quite know what I was expecting really from this short story anthology, but this felt a bit too much like just “fluff”. No real ideas behind these five short stories, and none of the stories really hits River’s personality - she’s either too lovesick, horny or Benny in all of these stories.
I was most curious about the story with Asgard, since River onscreen remembers that so fondly, but the story was rather lacklustre and River’s internal ruminations whether she should ask the Doctor if they should have kids didn’t quite stick the landing. My own expectations got a bit in the way here I guess…
Two 3/5 stories
One 3,5/5 story
And two 2,5/5 stories
Underwhelming is really the best word for me to describe this book sadly…
(Sorry @shauny )
No need to apologise, I actually found this book pretty disappointing as well
It’s been years since I read it, though.
Wow! My mind is blown! You find something with River Song disappointing?! We have to take a screenshot of this comment and save it for future generations to see!
Just because I think River Song is brilliant doesn’t mean every story featuring her is!
But every story is improved by featuring her. If that book was just The Legends of and it was about no-one not doing anything, it would be much worse!
My edits are now on the Gatecrashers page, along with a brand new review!
Now all I need to do is add a quote!