What are you currently listening to?

As expected, got through The Extinction Event and The Skymines of Karthos on the way home today. I have to admit, really do not like the Benny theme song. But the stories…I think the first was pretty good. Had a harder time with the second. Part of that was a detour on my route, more attention to the road=less attention to the story. I think I lost a little bit of the explanation about where the fireflies came from. Oh well.

Due, I guess, to the detour, I still had a few minutes left in my commute, and started Mission to the Unknown. Probably silly to include the BBC Radio Collection Masterplan release in my marathon because, unlike all the BF audios, this is one I’ve replayed multiple times. However, I enjoy it a lot, so what the hey?


Are you at the stories with Adventure is My Name? Because if not, it gets worse…


Adventure is my name, adventure is my game, I wanna play with you :frowning: you guys are mean that theme is great


@deltaandthebannermen - yes, it’s that theme.

@sircarolyn - well, obviously, YMMV. To me it sounds like a low-budget James Bond theme, for me it doesn’t fit Bernice. Not that I could do better, mind.


There is a brilliant scene in a later audio which suggests the production team realised it was a bit of a misstep…


I don’t remember that, which might mean it’s in an audio I don’t have. In a couple of years, when I get to the end of the marathon, you may have to tell me where that is. :smirk:


That would require me to remember! I say scene, it’s more a sound effect and a line from Benny.


Dark Gallifrey: Morbius Part One.


Oh yeah it’s morbin time :sunglasses:


Listened to Dumb Waiter to and from work. I remember absolutely hating this the first time I heard it but this time I was far more receptive to the story. Jamie and Leela sparkle off each other and it’s a duo that obviously causes the Doctor so many headaches but the dynamic of the two warriors is genuinely interesting.


Jamie and Leela?!

Long after I stopped getting audios, I’m sure, but it does illustrate how Big Finish kept selling me stuff well after I’d stopped getting a whole lot out of the releases.

Lots of interesting hooks to interest me in releases, whether it was specific pairings or ranges that were up my alley, or whatever. They seemed to have an endless ability to announce things that sounded to neat to pass up. Sounds like they haven’t lost their touch!


Made it to The Dark Planet in PROJECT: TURTLENECK (the big Ian listen) and this is definitely in the same boat as The Masters of Luxor. It would have looked excellent on TV, and the politics between the two factions is extremely interesting. I think I actually like Brian Hayles more than I dislike him - The Celestial Toymaker is really the only one of his scripts I actively dislike, and a lot of that can be pinned to Gerry Davis making a pig’s ear of the novel.

But this has Vicki, who I love (Maureen O’Brien is a delight to listen to, and I’m glad I’m getting to more audios featuring her) and I have to say, William Russell is just excellent in basically everything I’ve heard him in so far. Tremendous actor.


Finished Mission to the Unknown and of course continued on into the rest of the release with The Daleks’ Master Plan.

I do like Peter Purves’ linking narration in these.


Listening to Dark Gallifrey: Morbius Part 2.


The first five-star AND favourite of PROJECT: TURTLENECK is The Sleeping City, from Season 8 of The Companion Chronicles. A really tight, high concept sci-fi story that really has it all; a moral, striking visuals, an excellent framing mechanism and great character work. Ian Potter puts in a clean efficient script and William Russell sells the hell out of it. After a lot of CCs that were just narrated stories, having the telling of the story be integrated into the episode itself was a clever choice, something Moffat would use on screen a lot (not for nothing, but this is now in 2014, a post-Moffat world). I loved pretty much every minute.


I listened to The War Valeyard the other day and maybe it’s the mood I was in or I was too distracted but I just really didn’t gel with it.

Looking forward to the rest of the Eighth Doctor Time War as it’s said to be really good.


‘Alien Heart’ / ‘Dalek Soul’ is an interesting release.

I reviewed the first story last year and was severely underwhelmed, meaning I didn’t come back to cover the second half.

Finally getting round to it, and I forgot how fantastic ‘Dalek Soul’ is!


I assume you mean the War Valeyard?


Listening through Ecclestons 9DAs atm and really really enjoying it. Just finished “Fond Farewell” and I thought it was pretty solid, Eccleston continues to be an asbolute delight.

Listening to it as I avoid “Death in Blackpool” cos I know what’s to come and I’m not emotionally ready for a lot of stuff lol


Death in Blackpool is a rough one, good luck for when you finally get round to it!