What are you currently listening to?

UNIT: The New Series. Just finished Shutdown and started Silenced. (I’ve heard the first four boxed sets before so am looking forward to the later ones which will be new to me.)


Today I listened to:

Dalek Empire 1.2: The Human Factor 4/5
Dalek Empire 1.3: “Death To The Daleks!” 4/5
Dalek Empire 1.4: Project Infinity 4/5

Dalek Empire Thoughts

I’ve really enjoyed this series. The characters are great, and I can’t wait to experience more. The cliffhanger is excellent.


The best one if you ask me. They get really gritty and introspective in this one.


Experimenting with switching to listening to DW audios instead of music on my long commute. Started with the earliest stuff I have. Today’s selections:

The Sirens of Time - IMO a good start to the BF monthly range. Sign 3 Doctors, do a release that includes a mini adventure for each one and then put all 3 together for the finale. I liked it. I only have a handful of monthly range discs, so if I keep listening and keep doing these posts, you’re not going to see another mention of the range for a long time. A shame, really, as I remember quite enjoying a lot of the early releases.

Just War - Got this just a couple of years back. I loved the book. Didn’t think I’d ever get around to rereading it (I haven’t yet), so I bought this instead. Put it on at home a couple of times and was terribly disappointed. However, this time around I was much more able to focus on listening to it and I thought it was quite powerful. I’d bet if I were to read the book I would still find it the superior version, but I now consider this a strong version as well.

The Rani Reaps the Whirlwind - I think I’m about halfway through. Well, hey, even my commute has to end sometime. I imagine I’ll finish it over the weekend so I can start the next offering at the beginning the next time I go in. No comment till I reach the end.


You’ll have to join the Audio Club for Sirens. We’d love to hear more details of your thoughts.


I have literally never heard of The Rani Reaps the Whirlwind. Honestly shocked that I haven’t, as even if I’ve not personally experienced stories I know of them. Please share your thoughts once you’ve finished it!


Finally jumped back into the 8th Doctor main range with Faith Stealer and The Last.

“So much lucidity! SO MUCH LUCIDITY!”

I enjoyed both of them. Solid 7/10 stories, though I may have preferred Faith Stealer.


It’s one of the BBV releases, the folks who produced The Stranger videos and audios with Colin Baker, and a series of The Professor and Ace audios with McCoy and Aldred.

In this case, they got Kate O’Mara to play the Rani and there are Tetraps. It’s a sequel to Time and the Rani, written by Pip & Jane Baker, and it’s…not the best.


One episode into The Two Masters - always a joy to spend time with the melifluous Geoffrey Beevers - what a voice!


Halfway through Doom’s Day - Four from Doom’s Day.

I just still don’t buy that Doom is the greatest assassin in the universe.
For instance she is a member of the “Lesser order of Oberon”, the Greater Order of Oberon members are surely all superior to her then?

It was nice to meet Ian and Barbara drinking Strawberry Daiquiris on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean in 1966 though :grin:


I was all up for getting into the Doom’s Day stuff, read the opening story and the comic strips and then just sort of gave up. I’ve never even read the closing short story from the website.

ETA: Oh and I did the Lost in Time game thing. Utter nonsense.


I read both the opening and closing short stories + the Lost in Time game (and quit playing that just after).
And I have just sped up this 2 hour audiobook to 1.25 speed to get it over with :joy: (I need to learn how to quit a story partway through)


I still can’t do that speeding up thing.


I am not a fan of doing it either to be honest


To expand a little for @Shayleen here, as I finished listening to The Rani Reaps the Whirlwind this morning.

It’s a 1-disc story that takes place following Time and the Rani. The Tetraps have captured the Rani and put her on trial. She is sentenced to death, but that sentence is commuted as long as she uses her scientific skills to help them solve their food shortage problem. I don’t think this is too spoiler-y, as it’s basically what the back cover of the CD case says.

So, this involves kidnapping a few young people from Earth and conducting experiments while seeking an escape. Plotwise, it’s okay, I guess, but in execution I find it melodramatic, and the music doesn’t help much in that regard. The Tetraps, heavy breathers that they are, lend to that impression too, through no fault of their own.

From the way the disc ends, I get the sense they hoped to do a sequel, but that did not happen.

Oh, and @DarthGallifrey - I actually did post into the Audio Club for Sirens, before I ran across this thread.

Next up: I think the next few releases on my pile are all from the Bernice Summerfield range. Just War was the only novel adaptation one I have, so moving into season 2 (?).


Honestly, I did the same. I appreciate their attempt at trying to do new things, but since both TLV and Doom’s Day ended up being very underwhelming, I am not convinced that this multi-platform stuff works. TLV was convoluted, and Doom’s Day just seemed silly to the point of losing my interest altogether. I didn’t even bother with the BF audios, which is saying a lot!

I’d usually say that this is blasphemous, but for Doom’s Day, I can forgive you :wink:


C’rizz be praised! I’m just ahead of you in the main range, I’ve finished Caerdroia and I’m just waiting till I have a free afternoon to listen to The Next Life


Listened to Farewell, Great Macedon over the past few days. It’s a weird relic of history, this. You could quite easily have replaced it with Marco Polo in the original Series 1 lineup. Controversially, I think it might even have been better.

What fails it mostly is that there are so many characters being played by so few voice actors. It’s difficult to keep hold of a big conspiracy plot when you can’t tell the conspirators from the faithful, or even from the main TARDIS cast at some points. I think having this on telly would have rectified that, and without that issue, it is an epic story.

There’s some wild work with the canon - The Doctor is actually a former medical student here, so I imagine this must have been an extremely early draft. Ian is also like, OP as hell here? He wrestles all the best fighters in Alexander’s army to a standstill! Wild. Anyway, it was nice to glimpse into an alternate history of Doctor Who for a while.


Only Human and UNIT: Assembled. Though I’m considering sticking New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 2 and the two-part Finale to FDA Series 7 in there somewhere as well.


Listening to Kill the Doctor!, the first half of the FDA Series 7 finale. Interesting that it too features Sutekh using a tech creator to conquer/destroy the universe.