What are you currently listening to?

Today I listened to:

The Monthly Adventures 020: Loups-Garoux 2.5/5

I couldn’t lock into this one. Rosa was interesting, but the rest just didn’t hold my attention. Feel bad for Five as he started strong with Phantasmagoria, but then it all went down hill.

The Monthly Adventures 021: Dust Breeding 3.5/5

Oh look, The Doctors mind is taken over again. Solid story. It’s nice to hear The Master on audio.

Dalek Empire 1.1: Invasion of the Daleks 4/5

I listened to this series years ago. I can barely remember anything, other than a few major plot points. I’m enjoying it so far and I’m excited to continue.


For some strange reason, I’ve decided to put myself through the dreadful Seventh Series of Lost Stories.


I finished the UNIT Assembled Boxset today. I enjoyed it a lot. It was so much fun to me. I enjoyed it a bit more than the ones that came before this.


Listening to the 4th War Doctor Boxset (The one with the Barber Surgeon) and loving it. Have been a bit iffy on this range so far but I think it’s really hit its stride here.


Just finishing up Torchwood One: I Hate Mondays


Currently listening to Sword of Orion. May have to get around to Further Adventuress after this and Stones of Venice.


Finished Vampire of the Mind. Fairly average Doctor Who - missing scientists, bonkers Master plan, remote island. Better than And You Will Obey Me though and Alex MacQueen is always entertaining as the Master.


The title had my hopes up, but the execution failed. It was average, as you said. I would have preferred if the Doctor himself was changed into a vampire or if the overall story was something more horror-adjacent.


Halfway through Gooseberry, been so long since I’ve listened to a Torchwood audio I’ve forgotten how good this range is!


Finished the Syndicate Master Plan, The Dalek Protocol, and the first boxset of Dalek Universe! The Syndicate Master Plan was quite good overall, although I didn’t think much of the opening story and found the fourth & final episode of The Perfect Prisoners disappointing after its first three episodes being all-time favorites of mine. The Dalek Protocol was great. Dalek Universe 1 had a really good first episode, but the latter two I found a lot more mixed in quality. It feels like the longer they use on Anya as a character, the less interesting and competent she becomes. Having lost a bit of my enthusiasm for Dalek Universe, I’ve been jumping around a bit in other ranges, finishing Partisans from Gallifrey: Time War 2 (good enough but the Time Lords should surely have much more interesting time travel-related ways to do internal subterfuge, especially the CIA :roll_eyes:), starting Planet of the End from Respond to All Calls (it’s fun but I don’t really vibe with the Doctor’s characterization at the beginning, it doesn’t feel very Nine), and also starting Mistfall to begin the final trilogy of the older Nyssa arc. Mistfall is grabbing me most so I’ll probably finish that arc (or at least that story) before doing much else audio-wise. I’m into the start of part three and I think it’s maybe going a bit fast/not using the full potential of its setup, but I can’t quite tell yet and either way I’m greatly enjoying it. It feels like it’s been far too long since I sat down with the Monthly Adventures style of continuous four-part stories, which I feel is one of Doctor Who’s best formats and I often miss it sorely in other ranges.


Me? Listening to an audio that doesn’t feature Colin? What shock!

But yes, it is no mistake. I’m listening to Swipe Right with Nine.


Finished Sword of Orion yesterday and started Only Human.


The emojis :laughing:

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Everyone Says Hello is surprising me with how good it is

Absolutely stealing this premise for a horror TTRPG at some point


I just finished it. It was better than I thought it would be, and as good as I’d hoped.


I finished

  • Seasons of Fear: 4.5/5 Really enjoyed the story in general but especially the solution was great.
  • Embrace the Darkness: 4.5/5 Had a great creepiness factor in the beginning that was resolved in a great way, the only problem I had was that the ending felt a bit lazy.

I Hate Mondays was so good omg. Easily my favorite of the 4. And how it’s literally Ianto saying he hates Mondays for the title aaaaaaahhh


I’m currently finishing the first season with Lucie Miller which my dad owns (we both enjoy Big Finish together lol, runs in the family), and then I’ll be starting Soho :heart:


Oh, I love this one! Burn Gorman does a fantastic job with narration.


Listened to episode two of The Sensorites ahead of Toby Hadoke’s podcast for that episode. I never really saw the point of the narrated soundtracks for stories which existed on film but, do you know what, it’s actually really rather lovely listening to this story. Some of the narration does actually add to the story - there’s a line about Susan’s eyes glazing over every time she talks to the Sensorites telepathically which I’m pretty sure isn’t quite what happens on screen but obviously makes perfect sense.