What are you currently listening to?

It was really promising with the first couple box sets, but to be honest I was pretty let down by the second half. I just finished the last story a couple minutes ago actually!


I think Dark Eyes is the outlier with the Eighth Doctor boxset era. Dark Eyes 1 was intended as a single story arc. It’s success had Big Finish just kind of keep building onto it. The other three series (Doom Coalition, Ravenous and Stranded) were much more planned out as sixteen-part series. So their cohesion and finale payoff works out better.


I’m excited to break my 8th Doctor cherry. I’ve heard him pop up in other stuff but look forward to long story arcs.

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Today it’s The Mega, the only Third Doctor story from The Lost Stories, as I’m trying to hoover up as much of 3 as I can. Starts off very strong, can definitely imagine this one being on screen at the time.


About halfway through the Two/Ben/Polly/Jamie Early Adventures with The Night Witches and just absolutely in love with this team. They’re such a delight and I don’t want it to end!


Welcome to the forum @lifelongwhovian.

Just listened to Absent Friends - not many Doctor Who stories bring me to the verge of tears but that bit with Liv… :cry:


Just finished Zagreus. Not sure how I will ever recover from that. It’s also 1am so I should go to sleep. Don’t think I can. Not sure I will be able to rate any story 5/5 after this; I have seen perfection and it has destroyed me.



Just started Classic Doctors, New Monsters. Nearly finished Fallen Angels, first episode of boxset 1. So far solid listening.


I listened to “Better Watch Out”, an Eighth Doctor Christmas special which is part of Ravenous.

But I was at the gym and don’t feel like I gave it my full attention, it gets really good reviews and it’s the first part of a two-parter so I’m going to listen to it again before rating and moving on!


Tonight I will be finishing Bernice Summerfield Season 1


Finished all of I, Davros the other day (excellent), and started on Dalek Empire. The first episode has not given me hope of it being as good as Cyberman.


I’m not a Dalek fan by any stretch but I found lots to enjoy in Dalek Empire.

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Was going to start the I, Davros but my media server said nope after 10 mins. So I started Dark Eyes series 3 today.

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I finished the two Christmas episodes from Ravenous yesterday - lots of fun!

But two box sets in and it’s still not really clear what the Ravenous is?


Well, if it’s ravenous, it’s really hungry, so maybe the wire? :stuck_out_tongue:


I didn’t get to finish Bernice Summerfield Season 1. Left my charger at home and my phone died. Had to make do with the radio.

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2 episodes into the 11 and Valarie sets, and I’m really enjoying them so far


Currently half way through Dark Eyes 4, and I have to agree with others, I haven’t not enjoyed it (I enjoy anything with Paul McGann in) but it really floundered half way through, and feels like rehashing the same concepts.
Though this version of the Master is definitely a favourite now.

I’m also simultaneously listening to the first BBC Who radio drama, The Paradise of Death, which is delightful because it has Jon Pertwee, Elizabeth Sladen and Nicholas Courtney. :heart_eyes: