What are you currently listening to?

The Magic Bullet FP is a lot better than the BBV ones. Tieing in Osirian lore is a great move.


Finished Order of the Daleks - very middle of the road. Stained glass Daleks is a cool idea but is a rubbish one for audio because it isn’t even referred to that often so it’s easy to forget what they look like. And how many twists on Dalek plans to conquer the universe can there be. It was enjoyable enough but did nothing to change my opinion that Dalek stories, on the whole, are pretty repetitive.


Is that really a spoiler when the last one is called The Judgement of Sutekh and they’ve got those covers


And I still enjoyed the BBV series. It just left me wanting. The prison was interesting, but sadly there was a lot of build up and no ending/resolution.


There really are just a handful of Dalek stories that are good, enjoyable, or worth a revisit, especially on audio where there are sooooo many of them and many of them just end up being Dalek Shouting rather than doing anything interesting


Listened to Sting of the Sasquatch which was a bit meh. Don’t rate the narrator and the story was a bit bland.


Ha ha! I suppose not - but Robot had spoilered Gabriel Woolf so I was just following his lead.


Back in the day, though we were Big Finish enthusiasts to the core, when Tom Baker started doing stories for AudioGo, come on, Tom Baker. I gave my friend the first two series, but he gave me the third. So, here I am in my audiothon, bypassing Hornet’s Nest and Demon Quest and instead dipping into the first story if Serpent Quest.

The best thing about Tsar Wars may be the rather amusing title and cover art, but the story’s pretty good too. I think the accent for Father Gregory is a bit inconsistent, which made it a bit tricky to treat him as a separate character, but still…as my first Tom Baker in this 'thon, felt nice to hear him again.

A complaint about Serpent Quest, though, and IIRC correctly this will apply to the whole series…the whole hour+ story is one track on my CD. If I miss a bit and want to backtrack a little, I have no way to do it. Very annoying. (Yes, I know I could burn the disc to computer and play it digitally, and there are probably CD players that give me the ability to back up a minute or whatever, but without jumping through hoops…annoying.

Anyway, after that, I listened to a release called Doctorin’ the Tardis by The Timelords/The KLF. It may or may not be kosher to cover non-stories in this thread, but, hey, I only have 3 such items, so what the heck, I’m including them in the audiothon and so I’ll mention them as I take those sidesteps.

This particular disc is called a single, but at 5 tracks 27+ minutes (I have the 1991 US version), that seems a misnomer. Anyway, the primary track is okay to visit on rare occasions, mildly entertaining. The rest of the tracks are unbelievably redundant and/or obnoxious. But then I’m not a dance music enthusiast, so YMMV.

Anyway, enough about that. Back to stories…


Had some light fun with On Ghost Beach. apparently the mavity gag is still on-going :rofl:


Went for a nice long walk this morning and continued listening to the Magic Bullet run of Faction Paradox. I’m really loving this version of the series. Consistently a 4/5 for me.


Finished the audiobook of The Giggle.

It wasn’t quite as good as I was expecting sadly, it felt a bit too gimmicky and in lack of another way of saying this, too “Paul Margs-y” with the comedic bits (something I am not really a fan of)

After two audiobook novelisations in a row read by Dan Starkey I come to the conclusion that I don’t really care for his style of narration. It’s like he constantly is applying some kind of ironic distance to every sentence he says aloud, and it gets real old very fast. He does humourous bits very well, but it is not really enough.

One giant niggle I had with the audiobook is that they changed the actual giggle from a 7 note arpeggio to a 9 note string of la la la. Not having “Spice up your life” playing is understandable but to change the giggle was a weird decision.
And I get that it would be too expensive to have Neil Patrick Harris narrate, but because of the nature of this book it feels wrong to have anyone else narrating.

Hmm I think this one is a 3/5 :star: for me.
Maybe if I read the book version it would change a bit :tardis:


Started Absolute Power this morning. Not bad so far.


The book version is marvellous - and slightly different from the audiobook, from what I understand. I gave the book a 10/10.


Wow. I definitely have to read the book at some point then :+1:


Finally finished the newest War Master set and, eh. They were all very atmospheric and the reveal at the end that the ‘Master’ was a TARDIS was interesting (though between this and Dark Gallifrey feels like being made into a TARDIS is getting commonplace in WM stories…). I desperately wanted to like the final story bc I love trains but unfortunately it just kind of chugged (ha) generically along until the end. All enjoyable enough but nothing astonishing


Started “The Worlds of Doctor Who”.

“Mind Games” was a great Jago and Litefoot story, really atmospheric. 4/5 :star: from me :slightly_smiling_face:

And halfway through “The Reesinger Process”. It has just been too long since I’ve heard some Counter Measures, such a fantastic group! Greatly enjoying it so far.
Can’t wait to see how the greater arc of this box-set turns out :slightly_smiling_face:


Even more excited for reading this now!


Finished “The Reesinger Process” as well as “The Screaming Skull”.
Really nice to hear from the original Big Finish UNIT team, and a certain Mike Yates :grin:

All of these stories have been great so far - just shy of excellent :+1: Perfect for digging a big hole apparently…

Jago and Litefoot, Counter-measures, UNIT and Yates, and coming up (from the cover) The Sixth Doctor, Leela and Romana II. :grin::tada:

I really enjoy the format of this box-set


Next thing in my Audio list is the Galifrey set starting with weapon of choice.


Please let us know what you think!! Audio Club Extra: Gallifrey 1.1 - Weapon of Choice