What are you currently listening to?

Which we eagerly await whenever you decide to post it.


Just finished Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor: Time War: Uncharted: Reflections: Borrow or Rob. And wow! That was great. I really can’t wait another year for the continuation of this. I did deduce the “Intruders” identity within minutes of the first one speaking, but the reveal was still amazing. This is definitely a series to keep an eye on.


Sixth Doctor: The Hunting Ground - Episodes 1 and 2

Whilst I was unimpressed with AK Benedict’s The Victorian Age in the Torchwood range, I’m hugely enjoying this Sixth Doctor story so far. Very solid performances (particularly from Amy Beth Hayes as Yrsa). The setting is rather lovely, the plot is straightforward and Benedict commits to the core concept well. So far, at least, this is a story that isn’t trying to be too clever and is just revelling in being precisely what it is. I respect it for that, as it allows us to soak in the characters, the environment and the storyline. It should go without saying that Colin is in fantastic form. I love his scenes with the alien wolves and his partnership with Yrsa. There seems to be a real connection between the two characters. It’s a thumbs up from me. :+1:

Great stuff so far, and I’m looking forward to the remaining two episodes.


I can’t wait for the next part both because of how amazing the cliffhanger was, but also for the next comically long title


Finished “Last of the Romanovs” and was really excited to hear that location of the events is the Yekaterinburg! It’s the city where I’d been studying and working for 10 years before moving abroad. The story is really great and interesting, love historical themes :heart: But it was strange to hear another voice of Susan apart from Carol Ford


Sting of the Sasquatch = 7/10

I listened to the second BBC Audio Original with Fifteen and Ruby. It’s a fun little story set in Washington State, with alien Bigfoots and parasitic worms and Bigfoot hunters. Genesis Lynea’s narration didn’t quite do it for me, so I enjoyed On Ghost Beach more.

His Close Companions = 4/10

I started listening to the new War Master set, and the opening story wasn’t for me. Slow and dull, with a story I was never invested in despite great performances.


I felt the same re. War Master. It was good enough, but I think I wanted it to be more, and I found the second story the same. The third I liked, and I tried to listen to the fourth earlier but I realised about 30mins in that I hadn’t really been listening properly at all and had no idea what was going on, so. I’ll try again later


Listened to half of Operation: Hellfire at lunch.
Really enjoying it so far. Nazi Occultism is a really interesting topic, I loved when the Wolfenstein games dip into it. Ian McNeice is great as Churchill.


I’ll just drop this here for when you’ve finished :wink:

(Pretty middle of the road, for me - very comic strip style).


Listened to a delightful ‘commentary’ for The Macra Terror episode 4 from WhoTalk this evening which was actually just Toby Hadoke chatting to Maureen Lane about her life. She’s one of the majorette’s in that episde so, understandably, doesn’t have a huge amount to say about the story but she has lived a life working with people like Douglas Fairbanks, Gina Lolabrigida, David Niven, has done loads of TV like Till Death Us Do Part and hung out socially with Tom Baker. And she was quite the fan of the show too throughout the first four Doctors it seems.

Next up will be Order of the Daleks whilst I wait for a chance to watch the next episode of Monster of Peladon.


Live 34. A story all about fake news and authoritarianism? Where have I seen that one before?


Little House on the Prairie? Telletubbies? Fawlty Towers? No idea…


Listening to that as one of my first Big Finish audios was likely a mistake…


Listened to the second part and damn. This is bleak, dark stuff.


Started Order of the Daleks this morning. Loving the Doctor coming up against Assessor Malcolm Pendle. Not loving a story having another mute character on audio…


Finished the audiobook of the “Rogue” novelisation. 4,5/5 :star:

Brilliant story. (Best of that season for me)
Fantastic novelisation, so well written with added Rogue. Knowing what goes on in his head brings so much more to the story, and to his romance with the Doctor.
Kate Herron and Briony Redman have such a great, sparkling collective sense of humour that is so delightful, a bit Douglas Adams at times. So much fun :grin: I really hope they weren’t a one-off writer duo for Doctor Who!

I kept going back and forth with Dan Starkey’s narration, he channeled a bit too much Strax at times, but he absolutely nailed the humour in the book.

The sound effects and sound production was great and really added something. I get that it was probably a rights issue that made it so they couldn’t play Kylie Minogue in the book, but to have some kind of generic music playing in the background while that sequence playing out was a weird choice.


I finished off Kaldor City. While overall, I enjoyed the series, it did leave me a little wanting. It doesn’t really have an ending.

Magic Bullet: Kaldor City 05: Checkmate 4/5

Checkmate is a great continuation of the Kaldor City story. While there is a lot of talking in rooms in this release, it does tie up a lot of threads in the series so far. There were enough twists and turns in the story to keep me interested, and the dialogue was as snappy as it has always been.

Magic Bullet: Kaldor City: The Prisoner 3.5/5

The Prisoner is part of a biography of Paul Darrow, but I will only be talking about this story.

The Prisoner is an interesting piece. It comes across as a meta story about the nature of Iago’s place in the larger Kaldor City narrative. It almost explicitly states that this is fiction, and Iago is the audience surrogate, helping to move the plot forward.

While I don’t think the premise hits in the way they hoped it would, it is interesting, and is worth a listen. It isn’t necessary as part of Kaldor City, but it is an interesting side piece.

Magic Bullet: Kaldor City 06: Storm Mine 3/5

Storm Mine is an interesting story that, unfortunately, doesn’t hit well as an ending to the Kaldor City story. While Kaldor City has had it’s weird and philosophical moments, Storm Mine comes off as gobbledegook trying to sound smart. While there are scenes here that hold my attention, overall it falls flat to me.

The voice acting is excellent, and the sounds design is well done.

Magic Bullet: Kaldor City: Metafiction 3.5/5

Metafiction is a quick piece of backstory for Kaston Iago. Similar to The Prisoner, it is a meta piece about the character of Iago, or his similarity to another character played by Paul Darrow.

Really it’s just a bit of fun, not really connected to the Kaldor City story.

My rating system

5.0 Perfect/Fav
4.5 Excellent/Fav
4.0 Very Good
3.5 Good
3.0 Fine/Average
2.5 Meh
2.0 Bad
1.0 Very Bad


The Monster’s Bones by David K. Randall. It’s about the discovery of T. rex, but is also about the individuals who discovered and unearthed dinosaurs in general during the 1800s and early 1900s.


Making my way through The War Master: Rogue Encounters. 2 stories done and they’ve both been great, Jacobi is incredible as ever.

Nearly finished Invaders from Mars and not really enjoying it. Not sure why, I like a lot of the individual elements but I have really struggled to engage and focus on it, and I remember feeling this way when I first listened to it 7 years back.


Started Time of the Daleks during dishes.