What are you currently listening to?

Yeah, that sounds about right, might need to see if I can get my hands on a copy in English sometime so I can compare it. (Though the David Tennant narration already beats it by a great margin without me needing to actually listen to it)


Continuing the Big Ian Listen, I have made it to The Time Museum (Companion Chronicles, S7E1) and the story, in which Ian’s memories are stolen from him and become jumbled as he travels through a landscape made up from his own experiences is quite a painful listen, given the context of William Russell’s final years with us.


I am listening to the New Series Audio Originals. Currently on The Gemini Contagion.


Couldn’t decide what to go with this morning after finishing The Two Masters last night - The Stones of Venice, Minuet in Hell or Girl, Deconstructed. Went with Venice in the end so I can make some proper comments in Audio Club.


I’m part way through The Eleventh Doctor Adventures: All of Time and Space. Very much enjoying it so far. The Ellery Quest story is quirky, different and wonderfully imaginative. Also, Jacob Dudman largely captures the characterisation and delivery of Matt Smith’s portrayal. If anyone hasn’t listened to this series yet, it’s well worth your time. Start with “Geronimo!” which introduces Valerie and enjoy!


We have a thread about the Eleven & Valarie series.

I enjoyed the Ellery Quest episode a lot. I like it when Doctor Who gets weird. I think the Eleven & Valarie series is the best thing BF have done.


Me too.

Thanks. :+1:

I also have an absolute love of the Third Doctor Adventures with Tim Treolar. Really takes me back to a period in the series that I am hugely nostalgic about. Love it. Love it to bits!


I’ve only heard bits and pieces from Trealor and his voice seems off, but I know once I get listening it will even out, and I’ll hear the Third Doctor. Probably only take a couple of stories.

Also on the point of Ellery Quest. I like it when weird stories make sense. I know it’s obvious to say that, but far too many weird stories don’t.


I know exactly what you mean, but I got used to it pretty quickly and he works valiantly to evoke the character. Worth it to immerse myself in Pertwee’s DW once again. They make me smile so much!

Quite right too. There’s a fine balancing act between weird for weird’s sake and something that genuinely works within its own set of internal logical rules. Those stories are an unabashed delight (and often seem quintessentially Who to me).


I struggled with Treloar in his minor appearances in multi-Doctor stories like Once and Future but when I listened to him properly in the first Third Doctor release, I definitely got accustomed to it and found it easier to imagine the Third Doctor.


Well, I’m only on the 2001 BF releases. Got a ways to go before I get there.


Ohh, such a world of possibilities! You’re in for a ride and a half!


I listened up to about 2005 when they were coming out. Then I stopped for various reason. Some I have memories of, others, even when listening to them, don’t evoke a single inkling of a memory.


Masters Of Luxor today, which I’ve been anticipating in the Big Ian Listen (or PROJECT TURTLENECK, as I am now calling it) as another relic of where Who could have gone. Penned by the one and only Anthony Coburn, famously murdered by Verity Lambert according to one man on Twitter, I think (should have researched so I can be sure) that this was meant to follow on directly after either The Daleks or the cavemen episodes? I’m three episodes in so far; I love a six-parter because I can reliably sort of tune out in the third episode and still get the gist of what’s happening. There’s a signal out in the wilderness, there’s eugenics, there’s a mysterious city with beautiful architecture, there’s a scene where the TARDIS team (The OGs, I’m trying to come up with names for all of them) eat a lovely meal. It’s got all the hallmarks of early Sixties Who, and with three parts left to go I have no doubt it’s going to get much weirder. I can see why it wasn’t made though; far too weird for TV at the time, and more importantly, far too expensive to produce.


Are you doing The Dark Planet? I like that story - it really captures ‘weird 60s Who’.


I’ve got this, then two more Companion Chronicles (really, so thankful we got so much work from William Russell), then The Dark Planet. If it’s similar to this I think I’ll probably enjoy it. My major gripe so far is that it’s rather difficult to tell when Carole-Ann and William are doing their characters, or Barbara and The Doctor, especially in lengthy dialog sequences.


the true history of faction paradox


Finished The Next Life yesterday and onto Terror Firma!


Just finished The Eye of the Jungle. Is this the most interesting story? No. But I love David Troughton’s narration. It made the whole story feel like Doctor Who from the 1960s but with 11, Amy and Rory. I gave it 4/5 and I think that the narration is a big part of that score.


Finished with Terror Firma and Scaredy Cat, along with relistening to Scherzo for something like the 10th time