What are you currently listening to?

Finished The Galileo Trap today - bit of a come down after The Red Lady. Quite a lot of growling, chomping and shouting but I did enjoy John Woodvine as Galileo and it was fun hearing Helen’s first trip into history.

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Farewell, Great Macedon next up.
Not bad. Wish it was not a hybrid type story and was just full cast without extra narration.

Another reason it takes me a while, looking at the synopsis and seeing who’s in them and such. I don’t mind jumping around to different stories for a mixture of things. Usually will do a 4da if really uncertain which to do.

Finally started the new Sontarans vs Rutans today.

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After years of bouncing around it, I recently-ish decided it was time to blast my way through the main range and listen to them all, in order, to fill in my gaps. And oh boy are some of them… interesting. Currently in the middle of The Architects of History (132), so I still have a way to go :rofl:


Welcome to the forum sircarolyn - loving the Allison/7 profile pic.

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Welcome! We are starting to listen to all the Main Range ourselves, in the Audio Club!

If you can remember any details, you can hop in there and discuss them along with us. But it will be a long time before we reach where you are at!


I haven’t really paid a ton of attention to big finish sense 2020ish for real life reasons, so mostly I’m semi randomly listening to stuff that has been released sense, currently I’m listening to Once and future: past lives


thank you! It will possibly not be a surprise that I am also utterly obsessed with the Counter-Measures audios :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Recently I listened to the Classic Doctor, New Monsters range, specifically, Judoon in Chains. Really good stories. I also started the Eleventh Doctor Chronicles adventures with Valerie.


Finished Sirens of Time today, currently listening to the behind-the-scenes documentary for it titled “Talkin’ About My Regeneration”, then it’s back to 1634: The Ram Rebellion.

Starting 8da first set. Blood of the Daleks done so far… Lucie not bad and interested how she develops throughout the series. Also started Faction Paradox Eleven Day Empire and that one is definitely different.

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Horror of Glam Rock, bonus Bernard Cribbins is in it.
ARNOLD KORNS: Yeah, he’s torn apart. Just like my Bentley, only less expensive to replace. cracked me up.


Think I definitely didn’t listen to 8da back in the day. I would have remembered the theme song. Think I was mainly vested in his main range back then. Glad I went back through my stash.

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At this very moment i listening to The Sixth Doctor and Peri boxset, now in the last story. It’s looking like it might be a retrospective in their relationship and i’m here for it.

Welcome to the forum :blush:

I haven’t listened to many Sixth Doctor audios but he is definitely better served on audio than ever on TV.

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It’s kind of amazing how different he is, in the show I really don’t like him, but on big finish he’s one of my favorites

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Welcome to the forum DoctorCotard.

Currently relistening to the Gallifrey series, started series 3 today. All of that Gallifreyan political intrigue is just catnip for me :slightly_smiling_face:


Gallifrey is one of my favorites.


I love Gallifrey!! And welcome to the forum Bill. You are Bill, yes, and not an Axon copy…?

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